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  1. S

    First cycle

    Thanks a lot for all the good advise guys, really appreciate it. Will get back to you folks in a few years may be once I’m in better shape! Cheers
  2. S

    First cycle

    Thanks so much brother! Will stick to what you are suggesting and do no more than 350mg of test per week 👍🏼
  3. S

    First cycle

    So bro you suggest I keep the stanazolol and equipoise out of the equation? Will it be very harmful if I include them in mild doses?
  4. S

    First cycle

    I’m at about 17% body fat
  5. S

    First cycle

    Hi, I’m 44 years old and have been training for about 4 years now but being a type two diabetic I have always had a tough time putting on mass. I have successfully reversed my diabetes by diet and exercise and have been off all medication for the last one year with full control on my bs level...
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