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  1. caleb18

    First cycle

    Okay thanks Dylan, appreciate the help. I’ll keep a log when I start. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. caleb18

    First cycle

    Test would be 250 twice a week for a total of 500mg a week. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. caleb18

    First cycle

    Okay thank you I will make sure I do a 6 week pct. I’ve always wondered why my-2866 is recommended for a pct, is it not suppressive? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. caleb18

    First cycle

    Competing has crossed my mind, I’ll see how well this cycle goes I have friends that do it and I’ve been to a couple shows. I currently do it for the personal enjoyment and I don’t want to ruin that. I do build muscle very quickly so maybe I would do well who knows! Sent from my iPhone using...
  5. caleb18

    Andarine S4 light/eye issues question

    Ahh I see, makes sense on the healing time than. Painful I’ve heard but worth it, laser surgery is a game changer, you’re going to love it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. caleb18

    Andarine S4 light/eye issues question

    If you got lasik and not PRK than why do you have to wait so long to get back in the gym? Just curious cause my wait time was about a week if I remember. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. caleb18

    Andarine S4 light/eye issues question

    I used S4 shortly after I had laser eye surgery and I had no problems what so ever. Yellow tint yes, but it’s not that big of a deal, I liked it because I knew my S4 was legit. I wouldn’t worry about it bro but if you’re nervous leave it out, or wait until your eyes have healed and run the full...
  8. caleb18

    First cycle

    So do I start that the same day that I do my first pin? You’re right, I do not want to wait until I have problems, this being my first cycle I don’t know how susceptible I am to estrogen sides. Reason for dropping it to 350 is because it’s my first cycle? Thank you, I appreciate that. I’ve...
  9. caleb18

    First cycle

    Planning a first cycle, just trying to get everything together and input would be appreciated on what AI to go with. Cycle will look like this. Weeks 1-12 test E 250mg dosed twice a week Weeks 15-18 clomid 50/50/25/25 Weeks 15-18 nolva 40/40/20/20 Weeks 15-18 cardarine 20mg a day I have...
  10. caleb18

    Proposed bulking diet

    Great, thanks for the feedback. I will adjust accordingly so my protein is lowered. Less egg whites in the morning, more oatmeal lol. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. caleb18

    Proposed bulking diet

    Okay sounds good so more like 35/45/20 protein carbs fats? Anything you'd change out? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. caleb18

    Proposed bulking diet

    Decided I want to bulk up, I no longer have a job that requires I have my shirt off all summer so fuck it. I like the look of being 200lbs way more than 180 anyways. I have some knowledge on nutrition but any input is greatly appreciated. Here's what I have put together so far. Meal 1...
  13. caleb18

    1st time user

    Yeah no use in stopping at only 8 weeks. Also an AI really isn't necessary as sarms don't aromatize. What serm are you running? Best to run clomid and GW after for your four week pct along with a good test booster like D aspartic acid. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. caleb18

    First Sarm cycle questions

    To answer your first question, you don't need to just run one at a time. Sarms are best when stacked together. I'm sure Rick or Dylan will jump in and set you up with a good stack based on your goals. Second, I don't believe you need to pct after if you are on trt but I don't know a lot about...
  15. caleb18

    Anyone that has run the Super Stack care to share some results?

    This ^^ especially nutrition and hard work, nothing replaces that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. caleb18

    Anyone that has run the Super Stack care to share some results?

    I ran the super stack this last winter, but added some RAD 140. Had phenomenal results, way better then I expected. I went from 180lbs very lean to 200lbs still quite lean. You're going to love the strength and size increase. My muscles felt full and pumped all day. I was able to keep most of...
  17. caleb18

    2 Time Cardio In A Day?

    Give the diet time to work, don't try and lose weight to quickly or you will lose that hard earned muscle. For me 3-4 times a week for 30-35 minutes coupled with a good clean diet eating under maintenance gives me steady controlled weight loss. Like always find what works best but don't try and...
  18. caleb18

    What do you eat for your healthy fats?

    Olive oil, pumpkin seeds, avocado, natural peanut butter. Majority of mine. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. caleb18

    Some fuck stole my earbuds

    I just really love music, and when I'm in the gym I'm in the zone and don't want any outside noise interruptions. Had to use my backups and I forgot what a difference good earbuds makes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. caleb18

    Some fuck stole my earbuds

    That's so true, guy at my old gym stole a 50lb dumbbell. That was over a year ago. Went to that gym last month, still one 50lb dumbbell. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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