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  1. juicedaddyjr

    What is tamoxifen’s great that you are seeking information, but if you don’t know what tamoxifen is, you still have a lot of research to do before thinking of using AAS bro. Don’t ever start messing with your HPTA and hormones without knowing exactly what you are doing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. juicedaddyjr

    Roids24 touchdown

    That dude was a kick in the pants lol! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. juicedaddyjr

    Roids24 touchdown

    This picture was blurry when clicked on. This one should be better. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. juicedaddyjr

    Roids24 touchdown

    I’ve used almost every source on this forum extensively except I decided I needed to give them a try, especially after talking to 44 about them a bit. It wasn’t a large order and the package took a little while longer to arrive due to the holidays ( I expected this), but it arrived...
  5. juicedaddyjr


    I sure hope not. I have heard from him 3 times in the last week now. He was MIA for a bit, but I have been hearing back from him about every other day now. I am just confused as to why he isn’t responding to 44 or his rep. I haven’t ever been done wrong by Titan before. He’s a good guy. Even...
  6. juicedaddyjr


    Of course man. You did a great job as his rep and always answered my questions promptly and were a liaison when Titan was swamped. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. juicedaddyjr


    Yeah man. He made a big post about all this awhile ago. Earlier in the year he had very bad motorcycle accident. Then a couple months ago, he had a brain aneurism or something, then had more surgery complications. Then he lost his house to the hurricane, and lost about a quarter mil of bitcoin...
  8. juicedaddyjr


    I’ve been chatting w/44 a bit over the last couple weeks. I’ve ordered a lot with Titan but the fact that he is not responding to 44 or his rep CMB makes me feel very uneasy about what’s going on. I do not think I’ll be ordering from him and will take my business to Roids24 for TU. Sent from...
  9. juicedaddyjr


    Nice. I start another blast in a week. I have enough stockpiled to make it happen. First blast since I tore my pec and had surgery in April. I just need some Nebido (testosterone undecoanate with castor oil) from Titan for cruising while I’m working on my remote projects 4 weeks at a time during...
  10. juicedaddyjr


    For sure. I also made awesome numbers on his gear. Ran a couple cycles with it. I made 8100 ng/dL on 800mg of Test. I still have about 20ml of deca200/cyp200 blend. I will probably use it up on my next blast. I used Valhalla Test ace a lot..unfortunately I had problems with his acetate...
  11. juicedaddyjr


    I’ll also make sure to mention to him that you have been trying to get ahold of you bro. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. juicedaddyjr


    Roids24, Hipo, and Pharmalady. I’m not a big fan of pharma lady’s brands, so the first two are the only two international sources on this board that I use. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. juicedaddyjr


    Yeah. I heard from Titan again last night. He will get to us eventually. He probably just has a lot going on with all the events he had in 2017 and is having a hard time keeping up. As to why he hasn’t gotten back to CMB or 44, I don’t know. 🤷 Titan is the only domestic source that I know of in...
  14. juicedaddyjr


    Damn bro, you still haven’t heard zip? I would have thought if he was replying to me (sometimes) that he would have hit up The 44 by now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. juicedaddyjr


    I’m in the exact same boat. Last heard from him on the 17th or 18th, and now I have been waiting on him to send payment info so I can get the ball rolling on a product of which he is the only domestic producer/seller! I don’t have any other domestic options for this product, so I guess I have to...
  16. juicedaddyjr

    Is Titan around?

    I’ve been in consistent comms with him again. He even has the TU ready, so I got an order made. Thanks for replies guys. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. juicedaddyjr

    Caber score

    ADC has the cheapest Sun Pharma caber I believe. About $1.90 per 0.5mg tab. They are G2G. But like I said before, it actually ends up being cheaper per mg for me to get real pharmacia&Upjohn (Pfizer) from one of our sources, Roids24. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. juicedaddyjr

    Caber score

    Yeah they are all good to go as well. They pretty much all sell the same Indian brands (Sun pharma Caber, Cipla products, etc). Pretty much same concept as ReliableRX. They have almost the same website set ups too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. juicedaddyjr

    Caber score

    Nice find man. ReliableRX Alldaychemist ClearskyPharma Inhousepharmacy The list goes on. There are plenty of online Indian pharmacies that sell Sun Pharma (and one other brand I believe) caber and are G2G. Typically it seems to me that it comes out to $2.50-$3 per 0.5mg tablet. Great value...
  20. juicedaddyjr

    Is Titan around?

    Same. He told me a few days or so ago that he made the testosterone undecoanate that I requested be made before the hurricane and other bad shit happened. Hoping to get some from him before I order it elsewhere..his gear is some of my favorite. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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