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  1. J

    Robo gear porn/gains

    Robo really is one of the best! Lightning fast...actually sends you tracking which in my case is a big deal because my mailman is an idiot and half my packages go into the wrong when it says delivered and it’s not there that atleast lets me know to contact the postal service! And of...
  2. J

    Robo Hits a Home Run Again!!

    It seems like every time I order from Robo I’m like nah it can’t be here yet....probably be a few days....but I’ll check my mailbox anyways and boom it’s there....crazy TA....but more importantly all of his gear is fire!!!! I’ve ran his Sus,deca,TREN ACE,Mast Prop, and Winny! Always on point!!!
  3. J


    Been on here for awhile an have my go to sources but none of them carry superdrol....Ive looked at other sponsors list on here but haven’t had any luck....i run it precontest so obviously quality is super important! Any help with sources that have legit superdrol?!?!? Thanks brothers
  4. J

    Dragon Pharma/Alpha Pharma

    I’ve used Dragon Pharma Sus 350 Deca 200 and Tbol and all was GTG!
  5. J

    BGS gear is back

    Just wanted to give Palladium and BGS a shout out! Used to use BGS with 9th and can definitely tell you the gear is just is good as it used to be! Been on his winny for about ten days and am already drying up and strength is up slightly on my lifts....Just put in another order....oh and...
  6. J

    IWGF as solid as they come

    Super solid dude! Shipped me extra gear before just because he didn’t get an email from me that wasn’t even his fault! I didn’t even ask he just sent it with my pack! Even more important his gear is always Good to go!
  7. J

    Reliable place to purchase Cypionate online

    9th is top notch! Try his Axio! Been on it for about 8 weeks and up about 15lbs on a very clean bulk plus all my lifts have increased almost weekly!
  8. J

    Grams on Grams

    Yo 44 did I'm running the same compounds that you mentioned...not nearly as high as your numbers but am still pretty lethargic...did or you know Anything to take to help combat being so damn lathargic? Normally Proviron has me in such a good mood and so damn horny I'm fine but man I swear I'm...
  9. J

    Who has the best Gear?

    PM 9th Wonder solid ass dude and BGS gear is always on point
  10. J


    Been using them for awhile now! Gear is always on point and customer service is the best I've ever dealt with!
  11. J

    BGS Proviron TD

    On BGS Proviron right now....the girlfriend is definitely happy my mood is better on it with all the Tren I've been taking
  12. J

    Bulk monster can not figure how to get lean

    This is me after 3 weeks of a "serious" cut....hanging around 220lbs and 6-7% bf...all I changed was upping my cardio and actually weighing and measuring my food! Dude I was taking in about 500 more calories than I thought I was before I started weighing my food! Also lift heavy and keep...
  13. J

    BEWARE of HIPOCAMPUS! Not reliable communication

    For what its worth...I just had a little hiccup with Hipo and have to say he and 44's customer service was on point....long story short I've ordered from hipo over 10 times and noticed the pack was taking longer to land than I pm'd 44 and within an hour I had an answer...then hippo...
  14. J

    ordering from isarms

    Bro SARMSX is g2g! Ordered from them multiple times! They ask this for protection on their end! Not a scam...In fact I shot them an email just asking a ? about a product I got from them and they immediately sent out a replacement without me even asking for questions asked
  15. J

    Valhalla tren piss update

    Pinned my traps once.....couldn't turn my damn head for a week....oh and 44 good looking out with that pm my man!
  16. J

    Hipocampus "black friday mega sale"

    Hipo and 44's Stoaa products are def G2G!!!! I am kinda a anavar whore (do to the sport I play I cant gain a lot.of weight) and have ran a lot of different brands both UGL and pharma.....have to say Stoaa is one of my favorites! Strength gains like crazy...vascular AF and dry gains!!!! Also...
  17. J

    IWGF is gold.

    9th Wonder has saved my ass a few times (i.e last bottle of liquid anavar got knocked over). Quick shipping and the BGS anavar has me dry as hell with water hose size veins down my arms and legs! Solid guy with solid gear!
  18. J

    New brands discount

    By far the most discreet shipping I've ever seen! So discreet I literally almost threw my gear away on accident! Once y'all order you will see what I'm talking about!
  19. J

    Very happy

    I agree 9th wonder is on top of his stuff! Just placed first order with him and I swear they must have shipped out my pack before they even picked up my funds...I know quality is everything but damn 2 day shipping over the weekend is pretty crazy!
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