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  1. F

    PCT guidance

    Dylan just wondering if you can give me your opinion on the lab results I posted. Based off the numbers falling in the normal ranges I was thinking I’m back to normal and it’s all in my head, but I just don’t seem to have any libido still. There’s times I think maybe it’s in my head and I’ve...
  2. F

    PCT guidance

    Lab results Hey guys sorry it took so long to get back to ya I was out of the area for about two months. I just got my lab results back and I’m not sure how to send a screen shot so I’ll just tell you them and let me know if you need any more. So my test is at 600 ng/dL LH is 7.7 FSH is 2.6...
  3. F

    PCT guidance

    Got it, thanks. I’ll let post the results in a couple weeks when I find out
  4. F

    PCT guidance

    Thanks bros I appreciate the advice. It was stupid to take all that stuff and honestly I wish I would have just taken a real test cycle. I’m going to get blood work done just a few more questions. I’ve heard I’m supposed to wait until I’m off the clomid for about a month before getting it done...
  5. F

    PCT guidance

    Hey Dylan I’m a fan of yours I watch your YouTube videos and I was wondering if you might be able to answer some questions I had and give some guidance for some issues I’m having. So over a year ago I took a pro hormone called Dragons Blood for the first time and only waited about two months...
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