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    look in the source section mate for PCT ancillaries . No sarms will not pop up on a random drug test unless they are specially looking for it . Its a very expensive test to do
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    Contest prep cycle help

    Ill be honest mate Your too fat at the moment for any AAS (your almost a 1/4 fat)+your underage . We don't advise any ped use to underage people . My opinion is since you have some time till November get that diet and cardio in check right now and maybe run a cutting SARMS stack . That gives...
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    So you watched Dylan's video yet you are only going to run a cycle for 8 weeks and at smaller doses ? Ive never seen gyno off MK2866 unless you got something not real sarms. Yes some people maybe more sensitive to gyno then others but again you shouldn't see this with MK2866. please post your...
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    Ostarine Cycle

    If your a guy then I would just run 25mg daily for a full 12 weeks . Running GW for only 4 weeks seems pointless unless you are incorporating it into your PCT? You really don't need to "settle in" with sarms just dose accordingly. PCT im still using clomid as I haven't tried M1-MK etc that...
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    testosterone question

    Are you sure you aint typing something wrong here? My knowledge on AAS and TRT is very basic but I believe most TRT is about 100-200mg . 5mg sound way too low a dose but I could be wrong .
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    First Cycle Advice

    You are too young for AAS so Winstrol is off the cards end of story . You can run a sarm stack as you have outlined but i'm not sure how you lean bulk in a deficit . You can certainly lean out, maintain muscle, recomp etc but building muscle requires calories . Also your BF is pretty high so I...
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    SARM question

    Several things wrong here . Sarm cycles should be 12 weeks with a few exceptions like Mk677 that you can run for 12 months or more. You need to run it a min of 6 months really to see the benefits otherwise I would switch it out for S4 or MK2866 . Do not dose LGD more then 10mg daily Mk677...
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    Woman BF percentage

    Great frame to work on . 'Ive also got a competition coming up and while I know what my BF% is im more concerned with how I look in front of the mirror . Keep working on your diet and training and those sarms you mentioned will certainly assist in your goals . Good luck with it all and keep us...
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    trenbolone and testosterone

    Defiantly post of the month ....... Mate you are way in over your head. Its sounds like you have little to no experience with peds if your asking these kinds of questions . Please post your full stats .
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    Sarms Prep comp Cycle

    Few pics of where I am at the moment . Comp is not until mid june so I'm about 11 weeks out . I'm still on fairly high calories at the moment and I need to step cardio up . Stats are 177cm tall currently just under 90kg BF last checks about 11.5 . My cycle consists of 20mg RAd140 20mg Mk2866...
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    Rad 140

    Ive had minor acne with RAD before . I put it down to hormonal changes which RAD can certainly do . Ive only ever gotten a few small pimples and they have always disappeared quickly .
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    I would estimate in your high teens mate . I would try to get down to around 12% . Ill see what others recommend I may be off on my assessment just.
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    Ostarine and lgd 4033

    You should be running these compounds a FULL 12 weeks 6 weeks is really pointless IMO. I would just run the MK2866 for 12 weeks then do your 4 week PCT. Have some time off cycle then you can consider a second cycle with LGD etc .
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    Info sarms

    12 weeks like Rick has said and if you think you are going to go from 17% bf to 8% in a few weeks think again . Muscle gain and weight loss takes time . Yes sarms can greatly assist for sure but diet and training is the magic pill. Posts your stats as Dylan mentioned please
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    Glenn At present I have a new source and cannot confirm if it is legit etc . Been on a cycle 4...

    Glenn At present I have a new source and cannot confirm if it is legit etc . Been on a cycle 4 weeks now and progesss etc has been excellent it seems to be doing what it should be however only bloods will really tell as ive done several cycles before and know how these compounds effect certain...
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    First Rad 140 cycle (beginner)

    Mate I can tell you now Sarms work . The problem is literally 90% is bunk , underdosed or may actually contain some form of pro hormone or steroid . Getting a legit source is vital . Personally I love RAD its my favourite sarm. I have a few posts up about my journey so far . Im currently...
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    First Test E/Var Cyle - W/ PICS

    Rick is spot on PEDS aint no magic pill. YES if you have a good foundation, knowledge of diet and sound training they can take you beyond your normal potential for sure but if you think been skinny and suddenly by taking a bunch of AAS you become the hulk overnight you are going to be greatly...
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    Quick 2 second question

    How old are you , Stats ........are you heavily overweight etc 137 is REAL low man even at my most suppressed state ive never been that low. Is the Test a doctor prescribed thing or self admin ?.
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    Help/advice GEAR
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    Help/advice GEAR

    Totally with Dylan on this . Yes you fucked up and started too young and now you want to continue using AAS at a young age..........I don't see any bloods done in any of these cycles? My only advise is to get some bloods done see what damage you may have already caused and don't go near any AAS...
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