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  1. D

    Ostarine then RAD140 back to back?

    Hey guys.. So I'm about to finish an 8 week cycle of ostarine (25 mg ED) and wanted to to 12-16 weeks. I do, however, have 8 weeks worth of rad140. My question is instead of forking out cash for more ostarine, would it be okay/safe to just continue on with the rad140 upon my last day of...
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    Question about sarm cycle and a break from gym..

    What's up guys? Alright so my wife just had our first child a little over a week ago and I'd planned to take a two-week break from the gym. I'd also planned to begin a 12-16 week Ostarine cycle once I started back up. I received my sarms in like 3 days which meant I got super excited to start...
  3. D

    Question on my 12 week ostarine cycle

    Hey there. here's the thread I did with my blood work at week 8: You can see for yourself that it actually did have a huge impact on my test and estrogen. Not running anything else...
  4. D

    Anyone have experience with IRC.BIO?

    Just an update on this, I am definitely continuing to see very evident strength and size gains whilst capping bulk powder ostarine & cardarine. I am not sure where you guys heard you can't use powdered sarms but I am convinced that it works either way. Definitely save on $$ this way. Just my 2...
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    Question on my 12 week ostarine cycle

    Any recommendations for a good mini pct?
  6. D

    Anyone have experience with IRC.BIO?

    You can't? I emailed them and asked them that specifically and they said it wouldn't be a problem
  7. D

    Anyone have experience with IRC.BIO?

    I bought some ostarine, lgd, and cardarine from them. It's a bulk powder. Has anyone experience with their sarms? What was the outcome of your 'research'? I just finished an 8 week cycle of ceretropic's ostarine and am now taking's to finish my 12 week cycle. I hope their shit is...
  8. D

    Question on my 12 week ostarine cycle

    I am not sure if it's water retention... I just look real smooth sometimes as opposed to hard and dry, so I am assuming it's water retention. I do take creatine as well so it might be that. I've also been eating a lot of carbs lately so I am sure that has something to do with it.
  9. D

    Question on my 12 week ostarine cycle

    Thanks for your reply brother. Prior to the cycle I was weighing in at about 187, where yesterday I weighed in at 197... So about 10 lbs. I know it ain't all muscle considering the slight water retention, but hey I'll take what I can get. I am definitely training as hard as I can, though... I...
  10. D

    Question on my 12 week ostarine cycle

    Hi, I'm on week 9 of my 12 week ostarine cycle. I started off the first week with 12.5mg ED then jumped up to 20mg ED for about a week, then have remained at 25mg ED until now. I began experiencing some great mass and strength gains, though I feel the mass gains have sort of peeked. I don't...
  11. D

    Blood Work Concern - 8 Weeks into Ostarine Cycle

    Thanks man. I am pretty much done with the ceretropic stuff. What I have left of the ostarine is from a different supplier. For PCT I have toremifene citrate
  12. D

    Blood Work Concern - 8 Weeks into Ostarine Cycle

    Thank you. Yeah I don't think i'll go with ceretropic any more. I have definitely been getting stronger, so whatever it is is working. I don't feel any suppression whatsoever, though I am surprised since my T levels are so damn low.
  13. D

    Blood Work Concern - 8 Weeks into Ostarine Cycle

    Any ideas what might be going on and what I should do from here? I have definitely made noticeable gains, so the 'ostarine' is working (got it from ceretropic). My libido is strong and I don't feel suppression...
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    Blood Work Concern - 8 Weeks into Ostarine Cycle

    When you say finish your cycle do you mean finish it today or go ahead with the 30 more days I had in mind?
  15. D

    Blood Work Concern - 8 Weeks into Ostarine Cycle

    I hadn't touched any sort of anabolic in a couple years, which was 2 four week cycles of epistane (taken with liver protection). That's the only other anabolic substance I've taken besides what I am taking now. I do take noopept (nootropic), creatine, beta alanine, betaine (TMG), citrulline...
  16. D

    Blood Work Concern - 8 Weeks into Ostarine Cycle

    Hey there, This is my first post on this site. I am about 8 weeks into my Ostarine 25mg ED cycle. I just added Cardarine 20mg ED to the mix about 1.5 weeks ago. I decided it would be best if I got blood work done to make sure everything was ok. I did not do pre-cycle bloodwork. I am a...
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