Ive have the exact experience staging.
Almost feels like a fire has been put out. Where do you have nerve pain? When I read this I thought I wrote it at first lol.. exact way I describe TB.
Loving the healing stack I’ve put almost 10lbs on and barely gained an ounce of fat. I’ll have to post some before and after pictures but even the nerve pain in my leg has been so much more mild.
Im going into week 9 tomorrow and am just wondering if there are any recommendations when to take...
Hey bro I just started week 3 of the healing stack that Dylan recommended above and it has helped noticeably already. I had a L5/S1 discectomy a year and a half ago from a piece of my disc breaking off and getting stuck to my nerves. The nerve pain has been HELL for the past year and a half and...
No problem bro I understand. I just wanted your honest opinion on starting the healing stack with a T level that low and if you think I should extend my PCT at all or tweak the stack. Thank you for the help.
Okay thank you Dylan I really appreciate the help.
So I got pre bloods and they just called saying my testosterone is low.. (220) which makes no sense because it was definitely in the normal range 2 years ago. (I believe 400ish?) I can post the results tomorrow when I go back to talk to them...
Starting my healing stack this weekend. Just to clarify ya'll would suggest doing 2x 2.5mg TB shots a week? And then after my 6 week load I should do 2x 2.5 shots every other week? Or should I do 1x 2.5mg every week for maintenance?
BPC I plan on doing the .2-.3mcg a day around the right si...
Hey guys quick update.
I bought the healing stack and am excited to start. I saw my ortho for my 18 month follow up and we talked about the S1 nerve damage I still have from how long the L5/S1 nerve was being pressed on. He wants to try 1 more round of oral steroids (methylprednisolone)...
Sorry to hear that bro. How is your diet? Maybe you can bring those cholesterol levels down with fish / krill oil and good fats? I'm only 29 and unfortunately have higher cholesterol and kidney issues because of all the damn protein I used to eat in college. I don't have any experience with TRT...
Appreciate all of your help guys. Thanks for asking. I plan on buying this healing stack and running it for at least 12 weeks. I have lingering sciatic nerve damage in the right side of my back down my leg. Surgeon keeps telling me to, "give it time" but its almost been 18 months. The TB500...
Thank you. 5mg a week of TB500 so like .8mg a day? Just to clarify TB500 and BPC are taken by mouth orally? Or injected? Sorry I am new to these.
I was thinking of running LGD and Ostarine this summer but Nutrobal and Ostarine sound like a better combo for my situation. I didn't realize you can...
I've been looking at TB-500 on the site. Does anyone have any experience with this product? I still have some annoying neuropathy a year and a half later from this back surgery... it looks like it can really help nerve damage. Is it safe to take the 2mg or 5mg while on a cycle of LDG and MK2866...
Hey everyone. Love the new site look. Just wondering if anything with PCT or dosage has changed in the last year? This is what you originally recommended for my stack.
heres what i would go with
1-12 rad140 (TESTOLONE) 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 lgd-4033 (ANABOLICUM) 10 mg per...
okay thanks bro. I know you recommend ostazol for week 9-12 and then with cardazol mini pct 13-16 for a sarm stack. If we have leftover ostazol and cardazol do you recommend continuing to take them together at your dosing protocol even after week 16?
Thank you