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  1. P

    Give blood !!!!

    You can always ask the nurse to get your veins numb before donating.
  2. P

    SARMS Source

    Any good SARMS source in Canada?
  3. P

    Questions on First Cycle & TRT

    Try supplementing your diet with 2% or 0% greek yogurt (14gr of protein in 3/4 of a cup), small tuna cans in olive oil (21gr of protein per 80gr can) and nuts, not too much if you're cutting. We have become way too dependant in "powders" imho....
  4. P

    My questions thread.

    Natural gyno is not that uncommon, its basically an hormone disbalance. I think your friend needs to see a Dr. to get a proper diagnosis. I'll let the people who know answer your question about sarms.
  5. P

    My questions thread.

    Probably surgery
  6. P

    Drinking on Cycle

    Don't sweat it Robo, I am not a drinker either, but when I am on holidays I like to have a scotch here and there. Just don't get wasted buddy haha, you will be fine otherwise. Alcohol becomes a problem when people get addicted or abuse it and become dependant. You are right, fitness is a...
  7. P

    Give blood !!!!

    HIV+ people are not allowed per sure but best idea is give them a call and ask directly. The criteria changes often, for example men who had sex with other man were not allowed to donate blood in Canada. That is about to change
  8. P

    Give blood !!!!

    In Canada you are not allowed either. Look for a nurse, lab technician, phlebotomist or a Dr who would draw 1 pint from you and dispose of it. Don't try doing it yourself
  9. P

    Just won my first BB competition!

    Thanks for sharing jbravo. Great advice.
  10. P

    Drinking on Cycle

    I would stick to beer only, just an opinion. Have a great time
  11. P

    Give blood !!!!

    You're welcome SG and thanks for donating.
  12. P

    TRT - see a doctor first

    Great post, thanks for sharing. Sleep apnea will cause your oxygen levels to decrease from 97-98%, which are normal levels, down to 50-60%, while you are "sleeping". When your brain senses hypoxia, gets into survival mode. Depending on how serious the sleep apnea is, your brain will wake you up...
  13. P

    Give blood !!!!

    Welcome to the six minute club SG. Some people faint, but its normal. You were probably a bit dehydrated, got up too fast, or your sugar level dropped slightly. Try drinking some fluids next time before donating. Water will do, but coconut water, o even a 710ml bottle of Gatorate diluted in...
  14. P

    Just won my first BB competition!

    I just turned 55 myself, and was wondering if you could share a bit about your routine, diet etc, as there is not a lot of info out there for people 50+. The general presumption is that once you hit the 45-50 mark you should be thinking about retirement, walking your dog, and other stuff rather...
  15. P

    Give blood !!!!

    Lol, thats a funny coincidence. It takes me about an hour, hour and a half to do the whole thing: registering (even though I have a donor card), answering a bunch of questions like have you been to "Botswana" in the past 60 days, or have you had unprotected sex with a Sumatran orangutan...
  16. P

    Give blood !!!!

    When I donate blood it takes 6 minutes for me to fill the bag :-) Not sure what that means but works for me because I truly hate waiting for anything lol
  17. P

    Donating blood

    You are good 100%, please do
  18. P


    Draw a thick line between what happened in the past and what your future will be. Your are 21, the future is yours. Leave all the bad shit behind and go see an endocrinologist. Stay away from the assholes you had as "friends". If your parents love you, they will support you. Praying is nice...
  19. P

    Recovery cycle after injury advice needed.

    I think - this is just my humble opinion- that you should work closely with a physio/kinesiology team to determine the nature of you injuries, the expected healing time and follow an exercise routine designed specifically for you. Human beings are all different, healing times depend on a number...
  20. P

    16 week cycle for a 55 year old guy

    Absolutely, anything is possible when you put your mind to it. I was at 245lb when I took that picture, I am at 235lb at the moment. I will work on losing another 15lbs in the next 2-3 months to see what happens. I had a little flare up on the knee I had surgery on over a year ago. I stopped...
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