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  1. N

    Low Estradiol and high SHBG

    Thanks for the answer! So you think it's ok for me to take only Proviron to lower my SHBG? / Neo
  2. N

    Low Estradiol and high SHBG

    Hi, I need some advice on how to handle the following. I'm 55 years old and my problem is low libido. I'm working out frequently and i'm in very good shape and i feel great except for the libido thing. I am not on any cycle and i have not ever been either. So all the values are totally...
  3. N

    Zero Libido

    Thanks for the answer. I can not be 100% sure it's legit Proviron since I bought it online, but the shop has a good reputation and no previous reports of fakes. I suppose I could try another type of cycle with Anavar or Primo or Winstrol, but then I have to add exogenous T... Another...
  4. N

    Zero Libido

    OK, so I've done a Proviron only cycle now, 13 weeks 50 mg/day, nothing else Starting values before cycle start SHBG: 66 nmol/L Test: 778 ng/dL I didn't really feel any difference during the cycle with my libido problem, so I guessed that maybe the Proviron shut down my T levels... Imagine my...
  5. N

    Zero Libido

    LH: 6.88 mIU/ml FSH: 7.85 mIU/ml / Neo
  6. N

    Zero Libido

    Thanks for the advice. I guess I've got confused about all the other replies on this forum about oral only cycles. --> "You never do a oral only cycle!!" I suppose my age come in as a parameter in this. And I also think that almost all information on this forum and all over the internet is for...
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    Zero Libido

    No, I'm not taking anything like that, my hair is perfect! It's thick and curly and it grows like weed... :-)
  8. N

    Zero Libido

    haha, well i know that and i understand what you mean... Do you mean I could take Proviron only? Without any Test? In that case what dosage would you recommend? / Neo
  9. N

    Zero Libido

    I'm 55 years old 1.93 cm 86 kg I've been lifting on and off for 5-6 years, my goal is to stay healthy and slow down aging hopefully... I already have two kids, 23, 25 years old and no plans to have any more(i had a vasectomy) I have zero libido. Starting 6-7 years ago i noticed that my sex...
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