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  1. J

    Sarms for cartilidge

    What dosage would u recommend doing for that type of use... I'm 6,4... 245lbs, 12%body fat. Sent from my VS996 using Tapatalk
  2. J

    Sarms for cartilidge

    I thought I've heard that there is a specific sarm to help repair ligiments, cartilidge, and tendons.... Is this true... Have a hair line fracture in my upper chest in the cartilidge between the ribs... Any recommendations? Thanks Sent from my VS996 using Tapatalk
  3. J

    What does hgh do for looks only?

    Ok thanks Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  4. J

    What does hgh do for looks only? then just keep putting it in my stomach fat with an insulin needle...correct? Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  5. J

    What does hgh do for looks only?

    No... I'm going to be hgh for a long time.... I know it's not a quick thing... I'm basically training my butt off for another 11 months to do another show... so I'll be on it for at least a year....and then prob just stay on it.... I just was getting told different places to inject it for...
  6. J

    What does hgh do for looks only?

    No...he specifically said hgh... he said another pro is doing it that way with great results... and he also said some of his doctors actually said to do it that way too so I'm confused now ....he said you could even inject it in a sore muscle and it'll help the soreness right away Sent from my...
  7. J

    What does hgh do for looks only?

    He said don't do that anymore...thats the old school way... Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  8. J

    What does hgh do for looks only?

    Ok thank s Dylan...will do.... now I was just told yesterday by an ex pro bodybuilder to spot inject hgh into the muscle that I worked out that for example... if u worked chest...then he said put 2iu in each pec....or if u worked out shoulders.... put 2iu in each shoulder to get the...
  9. J

    What does hgh do for looks only?

    Ok sounds good...thanks Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  10. J

    What does hgh do for looks only?

    How many iu would u recommend for someone my size? New to hgh... not to the compounds Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  11. J

    What does hgh do for looks only?

    So I just came off doing my first classic physique show... I'm about 235lbs 9 percent body fat now.......started my off season bulk now....just started taking 4iu Monday thru Friday of hgh... I know it's good for skin, hair, etc... but does it actually make your muscles and body look better...
  12. J

    Muscle cramps

    My friend is on 500mg test E and 500mg eq... He said he's having really bad muscle cramps... really painful...its never happened to him before...hes done a few cycles like this one...hes 53 years old... he said he's drinking alot of water.... u guys have any ideas of what it could be? Thankd...
  13. J

    Cycle assist or N2gaurd?

    Good to know u guys! Thanks so much Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  14. J

    Cycle assist or N2gaurd?

    Is there a big difference in the effectiveness of the two? Cycle assist from CEL is only $33 per month... N2gaurd is $90 per month... when it comes to safety for my health I don't mind spending the extra...just don't know if it matters? What do u guys think? Thanks Sent from my SM-G930V using...
  15. J

    Best pre-comp cycle?

    I'm 34.. this will be my 5th cycle... I usually do 500 per week of test E, 800 EQ, 300 of deca...that has been my past 2 cycles... ended one of the cycles with with a 5 week finisher with winny I'm on i blast and cruise Never have done I think now us the time... Sent from...
  16. J

    Best pre-comp cycle?

    I'm doing my first classic physique show in November... I'll start my 3 month cycle in August... what's the best compounds for a show in your guys opinion that have done shows before.... it's my first show so I'm super nervous and just want to be on the right stuff. Thanks I'm 6'3 230lbs right...
  17. J

    Dad's test

    So I'm getting my dad on sarms.. he's 67 years good shape...still works physically... finally got his test levels back and they were at 218...the doctor said that was high??? Isn't that low? Or is that ok for his age? Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  18. J

    Sarms for older men

    Not sure yet what his test level is...hes getting it checked next week tho Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  19. J

    Sarms for older men

    Ok perfect..thanks so much Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  20. J

    Sarms for older men

    He's healthy...just maybe would be a little nervous giving him S4 do to the eye sight issues...he drives a big dump truck a few times a maybe go with mk2866 instead of S4? Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
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