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  1. X

    Hey man had a few questions about your PCT stack!

    Hey man had a few questions about your PCT stack!
  2. X

    More questions on PCT

    Perfect its already in my closet, yeah its just unfortunate it had to take Dylan himself hoping on this thread for me to listen, and also sad that I know of 5, 19-20 year old already heavy into test and dball. My generation is very stubborn and short term minded.
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    More questions on PCT

    Following up on this, since I punctured the vial will it go bad? Was thinking of putting it away untill im 25. Let me know
  4. X

    More questions on PCT really good video Dylan. Spoke to me décide to take yall's advice. I was being stubborn. No more test for this young man.
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    More questions on PCT

    Okay so your saying you dont condone use of gear to anyone under 21 years of age. Ill be 21 in under 3 months. Is it that big of a difference between now and then? Im on Un Employment insurance for 5 more weeks then I go back to doing 10 hour contruction days, meaning going to the gym twice a...
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    More questions on PCT

    Ive been doing prayer and meditation on this and im deciding to follow through with one cycle of test-e 250ml one cc twice a week. To re-cap im 20. 5'7 149lbs 13%body fat. I know it may not be the best call but im 6 days in and can already see my chest is bigger. I appreciate all your care and...
  7. X

    More questions on PCT

    Ive actually never heard of sarms before. Id love to know more about it! Seems like something I need to get my hands on. And to talk about what I said earlier, i was 135 in January im 149 now naturally. My plan was to get up to 165 by july then shred down to 145 by january obviously not keeping...
  8. X

    More questions on PCT

    Oh i understand now its a test-e 250mg. I may be producing more then enough test because of my age but I wanted superhuman strength and endurance. It just seems most pro athletes coming up these days juice up in high school. From what I researched it only stays in your system 3 months for...
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    More questions on PCT

    I box like mike Tysons style, getting inside going for the KO. I really wanted to hit 165 then shred down to 145 with the same strength. I just wanted to do one cycle do a proper pct and keep my new super human strength. I didnt think it would be harmful since my balls have already dropped. But...
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    More questions on PCT

    Very confused why how much mlgs i said didnt make sense.. I was gonna be doing 1cc twice a week. I only injected myself once so far, tonight was supposed to be number 2 but now your making me really second guess it. The way Dylan explained it in his video made it seem that with the proper pct it...
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    More questions on PCT

    Just one cycle at 20 years old can effect my fertility for life even if i take a proper Post cycle therapy? That seems insane.. Can you back this up? Im only planning on doing one..
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    More questions on PCT

    @rockmfhudd just doing one cycle at 20 years old will effect my fertility for life? That seems very odd. Can you back this up?
  13. X

    More questions on PCT

    Hi guys thanks for getting on this thread. Im 20 years old 5'7 149lbs, havent checked my body fat in awhile 13% would be a high estimate. im running 1ml of test-e twice a week. I found 2 of the 6 PCT's on Amazon/Ebay for under 50$ each. Please let me know what i should all buy and where the...
  14. X

    More questions on PCT

    Hi Dylan, new subscriber here from Canada I am an Amatuer boxer on my very first week of using steroids. (shhh lol) im on Test-E I only ever plan on doing this once and want to make sure my PCT is right im not working just training so i dont have much money. So im wondering if its neccassry for...
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