Hey guys im trying to get to sarmsx but its not working i dont know if the site is down. Can some1 provide a reputable source that ship in EU without problems in customs for sarms? Much appreciated!
all of the things including the video are the reasons why i was so skeptic about it bro. thats why i m asking here as well. Im honestly baffled by my doc suggesting that. when i told him my worries he said that a total of 10.000 ius of HCG wont cause any harm and that he was a bit worried that...
Hey guys,
so im done with my cycle and bridging and i started my PCT as instructed, however the doctor insists on blasting another 10.000iu of HCG now and im really skeptical about it
My last cycle was 500mg test E 300mg Npp 500iu of HCG and 4 ius of GH every week for a duration of 10 weeks...
Thank you for the swift reply Dylan. Do you ship in EU? im located near Greece and thats in the EU im looking into ORGAN ST now but i hope i wont have any issues with the shipping and customs in my crappy country :/ Also looking into GW50516 from sarmsX and have the same questions regarding...
thank you for the swift reply . Will look into the ORGAN ST right now. do you ship in Europe or just US ? because im located in EU. Also would you drop the HCG during the cycle and leave it jsut at the end before PCT or shall i continue using it on 500 ius per week just to keep the testes full...
do bloodwork and check your prolactin as well as your estrogen and adjust your aromasin dosage according to bloodwork. get caber or prami. Other members can pitch in more with that matter
after what you told me ill drop the gear, do my PCT and then start compete if im fully recovered after the PCT. so the cycle looks like this after modifications :
Week 1 : test prop 100mgs/EOD test enan 500mgs 2x week / 3ius Pharma GH ED
Week 2 : test prop 75mgs/EOD test enan 500mgs 2x week /...
Recovery plan is test prop taper 3 weeks prior to bridge-pct. example : week 1 tesp prop100 eod test e250 2x
Week 2 test prop 75 eod test e 250 1x week
Week 3 test prop 50
Bridging with hcg
Week 4 1000 iu hcg eod
Week 5 500 iu hcg eod
Standard pct for 4-6 weeks
Week 6 clomid 50mg ed nolva 40...
hey guys, so this is actually my 4th cycle and its the first time i plan to blast and cruise. I am planning to compete, and i thought its better to stay "on" to skip the hormonal rollercoaster from getting on and off. also the time off wont be as much. Its my 5th competition just to clarify...