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  1. J

    S4 and test boost

    thank you very much Dylan, I hope for some good gains on this cycle
  2. J

    S4 and test boost

    thanks and one more question what's the dosage of DGA PCT?
  3. J

    S4 and test boost

    thanks for that mate
  4. J

    S4 and test boost

    Hey guys so I'm going to start my very first cycle very soon. I almost got everything what I need: LGD S4 Mk2866 Mk677 GW Clomid and Aromasin (just in case if something went wrong) even bought some potassium tablets to reduce water retention. Just waiting for my DGA PCT and I'm good to...
  5. J

    My first ever cycle ( SARMS) New on the forum

    Hey everyone I wanted to run test only on first cycle then on second go for Primobolan + test and on third add deca to this stack. However I've read a lot and watched many vids from Dylan and here big thanks from me to him for saving me. I still defo want try those stacks but I'll wait till my...
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