actually i dont really know how to explain my stats but the pic here is actually how i look, and yeah im small i guest. (Pic taken lastweek).. about my diet i take 150grms protien, 100grams fat and the rest from carbs..
Sent from my SM-T705 using Tapatalk
-30y old
-5.7 height
-140lbs weight
-15%bodyfat and been training for 4years.
I've been thinking about taking testE for my 1st cycle.
The question is :
1. How much should i take? (I've been recomend to take 250mg/week of testE, is it to much?)
2. How long should i take? (I've been...
Age - 30
Height - 5.7feet
Weight - 70kg
Bodyfat around 15% and been training for 3half years. Never done steroids, this probably the 1st..
So if i cycle testE only, how much AI do i have to take?
(I alredy have arimidex).
Sent from my SM-T705 using Tapatalk
Helo dylan, i'm a beginner on steroid and i'm also on a budget.. So my question is, can i cycle 500mg a week of test E, together with Anavar and Arimidex? Is this cycle safe?
How much anavar and arimidex should i take for a week?
How long should i be doing this cycle?