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  1. L

    Suggestions for kidney support

    You the man! I'll give it a try.
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    Suggestions for kidney support

    I'm looking for some guidance in regard to kidney support. I'm not running any orals, just cruising at about 180mg week of test cyp. I've noticed my potassium creeping up in my blood work and my resent labs has now shown it's in the high range. I have a meeting with my doc in a couple weeks to...
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    Question about ugl oil color

    I'm dealing with my source before I post any photos. This has been a good source, I've run bloods. But for sure they are the same batch and look nothing alike.
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    Question about ugl oil color

    I have some test cyp that is dark red, never seen it before. I've purchased test cyp from this source a couple times and its always a golden yellow color but for some reason two vials I've been storing are a dark red color. They say they're from the same batch but I'm not sure that means much...
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    Clen and Tuarine?

    Got it, thanks for this.
  6. L

    Clen and Tuarine?

    Thanks bro Not trying to be reckless, I try and make the best decision I can with the info I have available. That's why I'm here getting knowledge from you guys. The doc put me on HCG at 500mcg per week, I lowered to 466mcg. What dose do you think is reasonable or should I just cut it out...
  7. L

    Clen and Tuarine?

    I'm listening... So I stopped the clen. Tossed it out actually. After reading what you guys wrote and getting the worst cramps while training, well fuck that shit. I'd like to ask for some general guidance and some info about sarms. Respect. Me: Age 38 183 lbs 5ft 11in tall 10-11% BF...
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    Clen and Tuarine?

    I'm hoping you gents could weigh in on something for me. What's your thoughts on clen and taurine? I've read that taurine is necessary for t4 - t3 conversion and clen causes a deficiency. I've also read that excess taurine cause less fat loss due to an increase in insulin sensitivity. I'm...
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    A Chance For Another Run

    Noob Question Noob here. So whats the purpose of Cialis/VIagra? Is there value to these other then getting your dick hard?
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    MK-677 and water retention

    Anyone experience water retention on MK-677. I was taking 12.5 mg which had no issues. I upped my dosage to 25 mg and my feet look like footballs, like trying to shove Stewie's head into my shoes. My knees also feel full / stiff. I've dropped my dosage back down to 12.5 mg and I've added some...
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    First time Steroid user prep

    Not trying to highjack this dudes thread but I have a question about the body fat suggestions. Is it that more body fat = more aromatization to estrogen? Whats the recommended BF to weight. At 195 lbs / 15% BF, is it worth leaning out to 12% before a blast?
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    Blast and Cruise, Newbe Questions

    Voodoo dolls, lmao. Really good to know. thanks
  13. L

    Blast and Cruise, Newbe Questions

    So both deca and test in the same pin? Is it ok to mix like this or should these be separate.
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    Blast and Cruise, Newbe Questions

    Awesome info here, thanks guys.
  15. L

    Blast and Cruise, Newbe Questions

    Thanks for the feedback. So here's my revised blast: 150 Test Cyp every 3rd day 200 Deca weekly Aromasin if needed 12.5 eod Should the Deca be dosed twice weekly as well? Can I go lighter on the Deca and still get good results (100 - 150) Any value to adding HCG to this? Should I wait for...
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    Blast and Cruise, Newbe Questions

    I'm late 30s, 6ft, 195 lbs, 15% BF I'm currently on TRT, 120mg Test Cyp E7D. I'm interested in doing a blast and then going back to cruise at my replacement dose. I was considering upping my test cyp to 500mg a week split into two doses. I figure I'd run this blast for 10-12 weeks. So my...
  17. L

    Thoughts on sermorelin and mk-677

    I was going to start a new tread but since you asked... I'm late 30s, 195, 15% BF I'm looking to put on about 20 lbs of muscle and lean out to about 10% BF. I'm ok with this taking some time so I'm just doing a clean bulk rather than bulk/cut. I'm hoping the pep/mk-677 combo will assist with...
  18. L

    Thoughts on sermorelin and mk-677

    Side note on this combo for anyone that's interested... the hunger pains are real. I'm doing a clean bulk right now but all I want to do is eat a couple pizzas and take a nap.
  19. L

    Thoughts on sermorelin and mk-677

    Thanks bro, I'm a fan of your youtube vids. I already have the sermorelin so I'm planning on using up what I have. I just started the mk-677 so I went half dose to see how I'd tolerate it. I'll up it to 25 mg starting tomorrow. Yep I got mine through sarmsx, thanks again.
  20. L

    Thoughts on sermorelin and mk-677

    Since these two act in different ways I was wondering what the thoughts are on stacking the two. Currently running: Post Morning Workout 12.5 mg of mk-677 200 mcg sermorelin Before Bed 200 mcg sermorelin I wait 1.5 - 2 hours after a meal to dose and then wait another 30 - 45 min before...
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