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  1. J

    Diet and Nutrition basics 101

    Good faking info
  2. J


    Tank you for all the info
  3. J


    Yes at 155 I'm 5"5' only
  4. J


    How Many calories do I need for cutting I'm 155 pounds and how much food do I need for my goals
  5. J


    Protein shake after gym at 8:00 breakfast 5 egg whites oatmeal lunches brown rice and chicken Brest and broccoli at 3:00 another protein shake dinner at 5:00 tuna and vegetables 8:00 another protein shake
  6. J


    Is rad-140 for cutting I have divol, tanks bro I going to do this cycle so no anavar
  7. J


    Well I want to cut and gain 10 pound of muscle, I have more gear test cyp, clemb, t3, deca and tren hex, and 1000 ui of hgh
  8. J


    14% is this bad
  9. J


    42 years old 5"5' 155 pounds And yes I was eating like shit on restaurants and fast food most of time My bad cholesterol is 200 and God low
  10. J


    For bad diet but now I'm eating good
  11. J


    I know and my cholesterol is high so we see
  12. J


    Sounds good, I going tu ruan anacar and test prop. Whit GW
  13. J


    Tanks guys. Anyone run this before, I hear good things for GW
  14. J


    Yes from ISarms
  15. J


    Tanks. So 1 bottle is good for a month
  16. J


    How to dosage 20 mg on my dropper
  17. J

    Steroids and sarms

    Tanks guys
  18. J

    Steroids and sarms

    Tank you Dylan I only want to get ready for summer and gain leaned muscle 10 pounds is what I want, I forgot to say that I have anavar to, so can you help me put a cycle together,
  19. J

    Steroids and sarms

    Hi guys I need tu put a cutting cycle together whit steroids and sarms, this is what I have Hgh, test P. And masteron, Hgc, clomid,exedrol 25mg, what sarms do I need? 42 yeas old 5'5" 156 pounds 15% body fat
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