Everything is still out of stock on sarmsx is there anyone that ships as fast as they do? Last time I ordered from them I had it in less than a week
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I️ do TRT under the care of a Low T center and I️ don’t think I️ would have done TRT willingly if I️ had a choice. When I️ first had them check me I️ was at 137 before my first dose. I️ know everyone’s body reacts differently to a particular dosage but from my understanding 250 was a high dose...
I️ just know Sarms is fast. I️ think my last order got to me in 3 days or something like that so I️ was hoping to find someone else that was comparable with good quality and fast shipping.
Man I appreciate all the help. I get on here and read quite often. Even more so when I'm looking to make changes. I've learned so much from others questions. Probably the most important thing I've learned is how little I knew and how important it is to get everything tested to know how and where...
Thanks for the help guys. I made some stupid choices when I was younger and had someone make me realize I screwed up before It was to late. Just trying to make sure I understand things better this time around.
Man I didn't even think about skin droop but I do plan on goin back for a recheck in two weeks to make sure any weight I'm losing isn't muscle mass. As it stands right now the way they measured, I have 22.5 %bf which equals out to about 115.7 lbs of skeletal muscle mass. Correct me if I'm wrong...
Thank you Sir. Diet is definitely something i struggle with. But also I can't afford the stack you suggested right now. I'm having to save for a wedding. lol priorities man. She would kick my ass lol
Ok fair enough I get that and the salad mix is a 50/50 mix which is half spinach and half spring mix. I can't do completely spinach it tears my stomach up so I figured the 50/50 was a good mix but if not then that's understandable too. So since your saying losing to much to fast is bad then what...
Ok guys I'm 33 years old. I'm 6.4 and 257.5 lbs depending on who's scale I use. I have 22.5% bf as of yesterday when I got it tested. The past year and a half I've come quite a ways and started around 30% bf. I'm working out 5 days a week no less than 1.5 hours per workou. My diet consist mostly...
So I order the labs online and then go to the local labcorp to get the blood drawn and they send test it? Sorry guys I'm just new to this type of stuff. No idea what I'm even looking at outside of the normal DR visit