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  1. N

    More food porn

    Here's some food porn......LOL
  2. N

    Ostarine cut cont

    You'll get there bud. I was 240lb in March of 2014 at 33%BF and I'm now 183lbs at 18.57% BF per my last Dexa Scan. Keep grinding away and it will come off.
  3. N

    Another tard at my gym!!!!! Seriously?!

    That's old school brother!!! LOL
  4. N

    S4, GW, Ostarine, SR-9009 stack 4th Week Update. Need Advice :)

    Dylan, Kodiak cakes are freaking AWESOME. I actually switched my kids off of regular pancakes! LOL
  5. N

    SHBG Question

    Thanks guys for all the comments. Definitely very informative. The test results were from a local TRT clinic, they did say I was a candidate for TRT. I'm going to talk to my doc and see what he says before I do anything.
  6. N

    SHBG Question

    Blood work attached.
  7. N

    SHBG Question

    Estradiol was 13
  8. N

    SHBG Question

    So I got my blood work done cause I was suspecting low T as I'm 47 and tired a lot. My total test was 617, free test was 80, SHBG was 68 which was high. While the free and total were with in range the total free % was low 1.3%. Should I be concerned that the SHBG was high and the % was low?
  9. N

    New Cycle Questions

    Dylan & Rick, Thanks so much for your inputs. Regarding diet here is what a typical day looks like: 4:15am - Protein Shake - 50g of Protein 4:30am - Pre Workout (Pre Jym) 5:00am to 6:15am - Workout 6:30am - Post Workout (Post Jym) & Protein Shake - 25g of Protein 8:30am - 3 Eggs, Spinach, 1/4...
  10. N

    New Cycle Questions

    Thanks guys it definitely takes hard work to get there. The hardest part in the whole equation is the diet but I learned a ton this past year. I just know I need that little extra edge to get where I want to be.
  11. N

    New Cycle Questions

    Afternoon, I am looking at SARMS to help achieve my goal of loosing the body fat. Some background history: I lost 53 pounds over the last year. Went from 235 to 182lbs. From 33% BF to 18%BF. Here are my stats: Age: 47 Height: 5' 9" Weight:182 Body Fat Percent: Currently 18% want to get to...
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