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  1. J

    Gyno issue

    Not trying to be an asshole but I would not cycle anything until you have some more knowledge I would def do a lot of research cause that's why I have gyno issues now caues I thought I knew what I was doing and I really didn't know anything you can really do some harm to yourself a lot of guys...
  2. J

    Gyno issue

    The blood work is going to tell you if your estrogen is high,low,normal it depends what kind of bloodwork you get done I would get a full blood work panel and check your progesterone cause like I said it's happen to me I've still had tiny little lump but my estro was fine I pretty. If you can...
  3. J

    Gyno issue

    You actually might be fine only blood work will tell last time I went e2 was fine but I still had tiny little lump or could be prolactin depends how far u let it go and how long I know some people that will have lump forever and e2 is fine only way is to get surgery. If u can get bloodwork cause...
  4. J

    Hipo shipments??

    Idk bro I'm not the one to talk shit about a source I'm just going by reviews and what everybody is saying recently and dosent look to good but I could be wrong and this is just not coming from one person it's actually a lot of people gotta research bro and go on more than one forum plenty of...
  5. J

    Legit source for aromasin, nolva, clomid

    Your only 2 weeks into cycle just making sure I'm reading what u wrote correctly? Ya well the anadrol will def do it that's why I don't take it no more I switched to superdrol. U still taking 25mg aromasin ED? And still have sore nips I def start to feel my test e around late 2nd week. I would...
  6. J

    Legit source for aromasin, nolva, clomid

    It all depends if it's estrogen related then yes I would say it's bunk. First what compounds u running? How long? Have u ever had gyno issue before? How long have u been taking aromasin? Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk
  7. J

    Somatropin made by somabiotech?

    Has anybody ever ran this brand or know anybody that has any info would be appreciated thanks. I found couple reviews Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk
  8. J

    Best online source for SERMs and AIs?

    Idk bro me personal all I use is pharma grade AI and PCT I'll take my chances with everything else cause gyno can really mess up a cycle it's really pain in the ass def worth paying couple extra dollars just my opinion Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk
  9. J

    Best online source for SERMs and AIs?

    I have gyno issues past 2 yrs and best aromasin I've used is ZPHC and it's not to expensive only good thing came out of gyno is knowing how good my AI are Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk
  10. J

    PL pack landed

    2 packs of biotech and 1 pack of global anabolic Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk
  11. J

    PL pack landed

    I received my pack today from PL very impressed with packaging it's the most discreet package I've ever gotten. Didn't take to long like 2 weeks got her proviron which is the best I ever taken so I stocked up Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk
  12. J

    PL aromasin biotech?

    Ya I wasn't doubting potency but wanted to see if they were in fact PL. Thank you ya he is my buddy he wouldn't give me something that would mess up my cycle like that and give me something that's different from what he said he gave me a couple to try out I didn't pay for them. But I understand...
  13. J

    PL aromasin biotech?

    Anybody taking PL aromasin I got some from my buddy but didn't come in a bottle he gave them to me loose they are kind of big white ones with no writing on them I can post a pic if someone could tell me please. Thank you Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk
  14. J


    I wonder if that will work have u ever tried that before? I know when I go to lab Corp and my doctor writes a script for blood work they ask me to ID Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk
  15. J


    I live in jersey you can use cractus medical they are cheap you can go to the nearest lab corp Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk
  16. J

    2nd Cycle test/deca/s4/aromasin

    Nice cycle what time u take your mk at? Only thing I would do different works for me Clomid 100mg/100mg/ 50mg/50mg/25mg maybe another week at 25mg depending how I'm feeling I'm gyno prone I take Nolv 40mg/40mg/20mg/20mg I love aromasin I run it through everything even pct 12.5mg 3 days a wk and...
  17. J


    Anybody have suggestion where to get dhb or anybody have experience with a specific source. Thanks Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk
  18. J

    Shelf life of test cyp in a vial?

    What carrier oil is biotech anybody know? Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk
  19. J

    HGH Newbie

    I feel weird this morning I do same routine every morning before work I haven't been taking anything different but I feel a little nauseous and a little jittery with a lot of energy kind of feel like I'm on clen has anybody felt like that while on hgh that's the only thing I can think of I've...
  20. J

    HGH Newbie

    No matter what dose gh u run? Say with even 2iu a day. I stocked up on all this t3 then couple guys said don't take t3 take t4 so I ordered some tonite cause just started my gh other day Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk
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