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  1. J


    Hello guys. As everyone, sometimes we have a hard time to make a fair self analysis, despite our knowledge about training, diet and supplements. In the last 1 year and a half, I gained around 7lbs, while maintaining similar body fat percentage. I started to train differently, lower reps and...
  2. J

    Transformation Recomposition

    Thansk bro! This is just the beginning of a big journey! Hard work is worth it and I am sure that you can achieve whatever you want as well
  3. J

    Transformation Recomposition

    You there bro? I had answered your questions!
  4. J

    Transformation Recomposition

    We have increased calories after our yesterday's revision. Now I will start doing a low and high day changing everyday (carbs). The low day consists of same amount of carb intake that we were doing on the last 2 weeks while total calories were increased by 150kcal. High day consists of more 50g...
  5. J

    Transformation Recomposition

    Correct! Pre: 20g malto 5g creatine 30g whey Intra: 20g malto 10g bcaa Post: 30g whey 20g malto 5g creatine 45m after post workout shake I’ve a solid meal consisting of: 150g chicken 150g white rice or sweet potatoes Veggies Macros are like: 170-190g carbs (depends if I choose rice...
  6. J

    Transformation Recomposition

    Thanks bro. Hard work and having good people around makes all the difference Enviado do meu iPhone usando o Tapatalk
  7. J

    Transformation Recomposition

    The changes we have done consists of 5 to 6 days training but dividing the muscle groups like shoulder having its own day instead of doing with chest. Intensity is higher with 45-1m rest max between sets or giantsets since my coach is coached by Milos Sarcev for 3 years. Intensity is crazy and...
  8. J

    Transformation Recomposition

    Arms ara lacking but overall I think I have made some improvements!
  9. J

    Transformation Recomposition

    Thanks bro. I have never realized how good I have achieved and seeing this picture I still can not believe that's me.... Seeking to compete in a 2 year time, he said he would like myself competing in Classic in a 2/3 years time
  10. J

    Transformation Recomposition

    Bros I have an update photo that I took today. I would like to say I have increased calories from 2100 to 2500kcal and changed training routine since I’m working with the National bodybuilding champion who is from my gym and he is coaching me for around 2 weeks Enviado do meu iPhone usando o...
  11. J

    Transformation Recomposition

    one year ago .... Enviado do meu iPhone usando o Tapatalk
  12. J

    Transformation Recomposition

    This is for everyone who have commented this thread and all the support I have been receiving... As you might know it's hard to do those transformations because you start to doubt yourself and making questions but those questions and doubts are superfluous when we have people like you around...
  13. J

    Transformation Recomposition

    Thanks bro!! I will keep going as I am, maybe adding calories and increase cardio just to allow myself to eat a little more haha I am looking forward to this journey because I have a personal goal to accomplish and If I made it so far here, the sky is the limit now
  14. J

    Transformation Recomposition

    Man you are constantly helping me with your feedback and words and it makes so much easier! I Have to thank you so much! I think I will leave calories as they are currently and keep cardio around the same as it is, or I might add calories and add calories just because I like to doing cardio and...
  15. J

    Transformation Recomposition

    Legs Enviado do meu iPhone usando o Tapatalk
  16. J

    Transformation Recomposition

    Thanks a lot bro, very nice words and honest ones as well... I think I did good progress but currently I don’t know what should I do... if keep gaining size or cut calories ... our minds are our biggest enemies [emoji23] Enviado do meu iPhone usando o Tapatalk
  17. J

    Transformation Recomposition

    Really undecided what I should do. Maybe not lean enough and lack of muscle clearly Enviado do meu iPhone usando o Tapatalk
  18. J

    Transformation Recomposition

    About the pictures.. I have added 6lbs so far, you think it ain't fat ? I feel that I gained fat and some muscle, but I don't like how I look unflexed
  19. J

    Transformation Recomposition

    Yes. I do not respond well to carbs and I have a hard time to burn fat due to MANY aspects... They advice me to do fasted cardio because I have a hard time to switch from carbs to fat burn. Some of the results: "Your genetic profile for insulin function is below average which could lead to...
  20. J

    Transformation Recomposition

    Picture update Enviado do meu iPhone usando o Tapatalk
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