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  1. W

    Advanced Cycle Before and After

    Thanks for the support Dylan, always on point!
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    Advanced Cycle Before and After

    Hi bro, Diet is always the same year round, lean protein, veggies & salads, complex carbs, I just ramp up portion size on cycle. I've been eating lots of oatmeal bars before and after training. BCAA, creatine, glutamine and occasional whey shakes on training days (2 x p/w). This wasn't a...
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    Advanced Cycle Before and After

    Hi, As promised in my original thread, I'm attaching before and after pics for my cycle (original post from Jan 24th: Legit advanced cycle prep; best SARMs to complement a beautiful stack?). I followed Dylan's stack advice and these are the results on week 13, the results have been exactly...
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    test e & tren a cycle feedback plz!!

    Test is too high, less is more Bro. Listen to Dylan on this or you'll be wasting money and causing sides.
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    cycle with testosterone, Boldenone and Tren

    I posted about a similar stack the other day. If you haven't done this before you got the wrong stack. You should run a test only stack, see how that works out.
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    Legit advanced cycle prep; best SARMs to complement a beautiful stack?

    Hi Dylan Thanks for the feedback my man. I should have mentioned the letro is 'on hand' during PCT as opposed to being a part of. Interesting that you've got Nolva, Clomid and Aromasin down for PCT. Did you mean pick one? Or run all 3? The latter seems slightly overkill to me.
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    Legit advanced cycle prep; best SARMs to complement a beautiful stack?

    Hello people As I've tried sarms, and I know how good they are (thanks in part to Dylan's great work getting the info out there), I'll be running my first steroid/sarm stack. I'm putting together my first advanced cycle (I've averaged 7 cycles over the past 5 years, 5 steroid, 2 sarm). Unlike...
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    Beautiful 1st Stack: LGD 4033 + MK 677 What next??

    Thanks Dylan, does the 'time on = time off rule of thumb' that applies to steroids also apply to SARMS ?
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    Beautiful 1st Stack: LGD 4033 + MK 677 What next??

    Better late than never, I'm looking at running some osterine weeks 7-12, suggestions for recommended dosing?
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    Beautiful 1st Stack: LGD 4033 + MK 677 What next??

    Hi all, Its week 6 of my first foray into SARMS (I have done a few roid cycles in previous years) and it's going great. I'm 38, in good shape and I'm seeing modest yet significant increases in strength, endurance and definition. I've added at lease 4 lbs lean mass. Dosing LGD 4033 8mg p/d +...
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    Advice Request: Ideal Cycle for GR Wrestling/Grappling/MMA

    @worldbreaker86: its a good point you make bro, think about how many combat athletes have been involved with organised and non organised AAS programs over the decades, and yet there's so little info available on the subject in forums or anything else. The Russians and Iranians (wrestling) have...
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    Advice Request: Ideal Cycle for GR Wrestling/Grappling/MMA

    @iwannagofaster: Sounds almost to good to be true lol, have to admit its (SARMS) a new area that i dont know enough about. That being said, if it does what it says on the can then wow.
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    Advice Request: Ideal Cycle for GR Wrestling/Grappling/MMA

    Hello everyone, first post here. Great site Dylan, videos are amazing many thanks. Would be great to get some useful opinions on this alternative but increasingly popular subject; Ideal AAS for martial arts. An ideal cycle for a combat athlete would likely be something that produces some...
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