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  1. D

    Rest days on cycle

    Thanks guys I'll give it some trial and error and see how my body responds
  2. D

    Rest days on cycle

    Just to kinda piggy back on this post. I too train atleast 6 days a week religiously but usually 7. I watched some of Dylan's videos on overtraining so I am going to dial it back to 5 days. As he was telling symptoms of overtraining I was realizing I have prob 8/10 of the symptoms. My question...
  3. D

    First time using tren

    Awesome thank you guys for all the support and advice. I will keep you guys updated on my progress!
  4. D

    First time using tren

    Wow definitely going to go that route with that product rather than hcg. You said post ct can be used during cycle, post cycle and even to bridge. What are recommended doses in these areas? I have never bridged before but I want to give it a try after this cycle. Also I decided to put aside the...
  5. D

    First time using tren

    Yes my plan was to run it last 2 weeks on cycle and 2 weeks before pct but if I run short esters I can start pct almost immediately correct? Which would give me no reason to even use hcg at all. I'd rather not use it due to sides I was just under the impression it was necessary.
  6. D

    First time using tren

    Tren is short and The mast is a blend 200mg/ml enan/prop I have AI cycle support which I'm assuming is basically the same product? As far a pct I have hcg, clomid, nolva, aroma and gw/mk are on the way I never knew about cortisol issues and always wondered why I could barely keep gains after...
  7. D

    First time using tren

    -I posted this in the "source talk" thread on accident so I apologize for that- Hello my names Derek First time posting on here I just joined up and wanted to thank you personally Dylan for all the content you put out and all the free knowledge you give -wipes the brown off nose- With all...
  8. D

    First time using tren

    reposted in the correct thread.
  9. D

    First time using tren

    Hello my names Derek First time posting on here I just joined up and wanted to thank you personally Dylan for all the content you put out and all the free knowledge you give -wipes the brown off nose- With all that being said I am about to start a cycle. This is my 5th cycle, my first two...
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