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  1. S

    Timing between SARMS Only Cyles

    Thanks fellas! My next cycle is below - I'll keep you updated with my progress. 1-12 GW-501516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day dosed once a day 30 minutes prior to workout or a.m. 1-12 rad140 (TESTOLONE) 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m. 1-12 S4 (ANDARINE) 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the...
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    Timing between SARMS Only Cyles

    Hi guys, I've recently finished my first SARMS cycle and PCT. I'm stoked with the results, but unsure of how long to wait before beginning another SARMS cycle. I know with steroids you need to take off at least your time on cycle through PCT, but not sure of the protocol if it's just SARMS...
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    First SARMS Cycle Results from Newb

    I'm on week 5 of my first cycle of LGD-4033 and S4 and I'm impressed! At 44 years old I never thought I'd really be able to significantly improve my strength and physique without supplemental test. My lifts have improved along with my endurance. I'm working out hard when I'm at the gym, but...
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    Newbie SARMS question about timing

    Thanks, Dylan, sorry to rehash old questions. Have a good one!
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    Newbie SARMS question about timing

    Hey guys, I'm starting my first SARMS cycle recommended by Dylan and I have a few questions: When dosages are recommended for the AM and PM, does it matter if you take them immediately upon waking up and right before bed? Is it more effective on an empty stomach or should you have some food in...
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    Another Clueless Old Fart Newb...

    Thanks, Buen, you guys have definitely settled my nerves after my initial panic attack at what I thought was 'low.' I really appreciate all the insight and advice on offer here, it's felt very welcoming and helped me realize I'm not the only guy with stupid questions! I'm committed to regular...
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    Another Clueless Old Fart Newb...

    Thanks, JP, I appreciate the input - I guess the range of 'normal' is so huge, I felt like I was on the low end. But you're right, I'm not in as bad a shape as I thought initially.
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    Another Clueless Old Fart Newb...

    Hey Dylan, I received my T levels today - 543ng/dL of total T. Pretty low for my age... What other info do you need to help me flesh out the SARMS stack you recommended? Thanks again!
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    Another Clueless Old Fart Newb...

    This is awesome, thank you so much for this, Dylan! I'll be in touch once I get my labwork back.
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    Another Clueless Old Fart Newb...

    Thanks, Dylan, I'm running bloodwork this week. I appreciate the guidance - I don't want to wind up worse off than I am now in 6 months.
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    Another Clueless Old Fart Newb...

    Hi, Rick, I'm certainly interested in SARMS. LGD and S4 for adding bulk, then for GW, S4 and RAD140 for cutting? Not sure of the timing or amounts, though, is that something you can lend some insight to based on my stats? Thanks!
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    Another Clueless Old Fart Newb...

    Hey guys, I’m brand new to all this and looking for some insight and advice. My stats: 44 years old 6' tall, 183lbs 13.5% body fat I've been training 20+ years. I'm in great health and train hard when I'm in the gym. I eat clean (mostly). Lots of leafy greens, veggies and lean meats while...
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