I have recently started my Pct after coming off a 14 week sus 250 cycle, it my third test cycle only.
Doing normal nolva and clomid I?ve added in Gw501516 & MK2866 this time round 20 mg a day on training days for both and 10mg for both on non training days
Energy levels are good but I...
I bought mk677 10mg and lgd 4033 5mg tablets in the uk anyone heard on this brand and is it any good?? just started them and took 2 tablets 2 hours before bed and it makes me feel knackered I have a injury to my scapula area, will it help to heal haven?t trained for 5 weeks now back in the gym...
Anyone got any good links so I can get bloods checked.
Also just finished cycle so is it ok to get them checked now or do I have to wait I have some sensations in my nipples I want to check out
I am using .5 arimidex eod going into my pct. yes 44 but only my 2nd cycle ever thought doing time on equals time off was best way to go.
There are no lumps my nipples are just a little sore and not also just get unusual sensations in them
I have just finished a test only cycle and my nipples are really sensitive and sometimes even like a burning sensation I am taking arimidex .5 eod and I have started taking 20mg x2 of nolvadex which I wasn’t due to start until next week feeI like I am panicking a bit. Should I increase the...
Will be finishing a 12 week sus 250 500 mg of test a week. I what’s the best sarms to use to keep gains. And are they ok to run with hcg and arimidex and nolva and clomid
It’s my 10th week, no pre cycle blood work, it’s the same arimidex as my last cycle and I never had a problem previous. I will do every other day to see if that helps shall I add some nolvadex thx
I am on my 2nd cycle of test only, 500mg of sustanon 250 a week pinning twice a week i take .5 of arimidex on days of pinning and that has seemed to work. The last 2 weeks I have been getting a itchy chest not Nipples just chest area. I upped my arimidex to .5 min mon wed Thursday but the...
Thanks for response Dylan. Based on my research after 12 week sust 250 cycle pct should start 3 weeks after last pin. So just so I’m reading this right I use hcg 2 x 500 iu week 11 then run it for 3 weeks after on its own then start using my clomid and nov is that correct
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Thank you Dylan for responding. So based on my research using sus 250 says I should not start my pct until 3 weeks after last pin so just so I’m reading this right I should start hcg week 11 for 1 week then after last pin continue hcg for 3 weeks then start the pct ??
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