Ive been injecting 3test for two weeks. I recently got a lump on my right delt after injecting. I'm injecting .16 ml every other day. 56mg per injection using a 25g 1inch syringe. What can I do to stop this. Info, thoughts, and opinions much appreciated.
Yes I do. I just wanted to make sure. It probably looks like more than it really is. I just wanna be certain so I know I'm getting my correct dose and not wasting any. Thanks
Started injecting test and noticed that where the pin attaches to the syringe is still full of oil. Does this mean I should inject slightly more to account for this loss of oil or is it accounted for on the unit measuring lines of the syringe???
Does anyone have any experience with the product 3Test 350mg/ml from Domestic Supply? Testosterone enanthate, cypionate, and proprionate combo. Any feedback would be helpful. Thank you
Thank you and yes that is my source. I've seen literally nothing negative about them and I live in a state close to where they are based so I get my order in like 3 days. I love them!
I know my natural test levels are in the 400 to 500 range but the clinic just wants to pump me full of chlomid and anastrazol which I don't take and just stash for PCT if needed. Idk if that helps
I'm looking to run testosterone enanthate and deca to improve some joint and tendon pain and gain some lean mass. I work a 10 hour a day extremely physical heavy lifting job and work out at home 1.5 hours a day with dumbbells as to avoid injury. I need some recommendations for starting minimum...
I'm currently running my first ever cycle of SARMs. (Mk2866) I work an extremely physically demanding job in a Sawmill 9 hours a day 5 days a week and workout 1.5 to 2 hours a day 5to6 days a week on top of that. Im currently taking 25mg a day and seem to be seeing great results and I'm just...
I'm running a first cycle at 25mg a day and seeing great results so far at nearly 3 weeks in. Should I up my dose to 50mg to maximize my results for the rest of my cycle. I'm experiencing no side effects so far.
Looking for advice. I've committed to a 12week cycle of mk2866. I'm taking 25mg per day. I work and extremely physical job 9hours a day 5 days a week and I'm working out intensely 1.5 to 2 hours a day on top of that with 1 day off from working out. I am approaching the end of week 3 and seem to...