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  1. C

    Help with current cycle

    thanks alot for your help I have just emailed them now!
  2. C

    Help with current cycle

    thanks for the advice could you advise on where I can get gels or a safe website that does tablet form?? I am in the UK so ones that ship to UK is needed. Also could I add ostarine to my end of the cycle and through my PCT? Would this be much of a benefit in doing this?? I have upped the test E...
  3. C

    Help with current cycle

    I was having the liquid straight away in morning on an empty stomach too without mixing in water or anything else so i dont know if maybe this was a bad idea!
  4. C

    Help with current cycle

    So I went doctors last week and BP was high at 165/82. Stopped RAD last week and been monitoring my BP since and its gone down everyday since to 140/75 as of today. I am still getting a lot of reflux so my guess is the liquids have done something to my stomach. All breathing issues have stopped...
  5. C

    Help with current cycle

    thanks for the advice! i know there is cardarine that cant be ruled out also but i have never had any sort of sides with it in the past so i have sort of ruled this out myself i suppose.
  6. C

    Help with current cycle

    sarms are from Receptorchem i have used the ostarine and LGD in past and seemed to be really good with these. No bloodwork yet but i am getting onto this this week, however i got the symptoms a week before i started the Aromasin, i actually started the aromasin as i thought the symptoms cud of...
  7. C

    Help with current cycle

    Just to add guys the help I am looking for is around the RAD in terms removing it or if there is anything else I could be doing differently and what could be causing the issues I am having. Thanks!
  8. C

    Help with current cycle

    Hi Guys New on here and need some advice it would be really appreciated. 35 years old 6ft 13% BF 88KG Been training well over 15 years I am currently 6 weeks into a planned 12 week bulk cycle of: Test e 300mg per week Cardarine 20mg per day doses in AM Rad 140 10mg per day(added this in at...
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