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  1. G

    RAD140 higher dose? Or stop

    Umbrella labs. Poly cell formula
  2. G

    RAD140 higher dose? Or stop

    I have not noticed any strength gains at all. I believe that Umbrella source is legit. I just thought I would feel stronger. I feel nothing. Same exact way when I started. The only thing that I can think of. Is that I work midnight shifts 6p-6a and sometimes take it at 11am instead of 8am...
  3. G

    RAD140 higher dose? Or stop

    I started my first cycle of RAD140 and GW. Been doing 20mg of each per day since Nov 28, 2023 I immediately felt the GW. Like I was running with an O2 tank strapped on my back. But have felt almost nothing nor noticed and gains or strength increases from the RAD140. No muscle pumps. Back...
  4. G

    1st cycle RAD140/MK2866 with TRT? (Anavar)

    Thanks. I appreciate the help. Info from your podcast and this forum gives a wealth of knowledge for us newbies. Thanks
  5. G

    1st cycle RAD140/MK2866 with TRT? (Anavar)

    Is 23% too high to run anavar? I have heard you say high BF ppl should not use orals/Var and I wasn’t sure why. I believe you said it’s unsafe. As opposed to just ineffective and a waste of money. But I could not find any articles or videos where you went in depth about it being dangerous...
  6. G

    1st cycle RAD140/MK2866 with TRT? (Anavar)

    I guess I should have clarified. I am trying to learn as much about sarms as possible. And along with that. I don’t want to do anything irresponsibly and create any long term health issues. So when I read one sarm and cancer were linked (even thought I know now that study seemed to be...
  7. G

    1st cycle RAD140/MK2866 with TRT? (Anavar)

    Sorry. Starting weight Current weight Goal weight.
  8. G

    1st cycle RAD140/MK2866 with TRT? (Anavar)

    Hey New to Sarms and these forums. Been listening to Dylan for a couple months since I found out about sarms. Tried searching about this but still confused. 42 yo male. Just dropped a ton of weight 6’2” SW 355 CW 230 GW 215 My goal was to drop to goal weight and get body fat comp to around...
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