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  1. L

    Next cycle help

    Yes, agreed. This was my option #1 which I’m going to run in January after a 12 week break from my current cycle, which is also Test 375/Primo 400. Noticeable results w/ no sides. Only difference is, next cycle will add NPP & Proviron.
  2. L

    Next cycle help

    No, which is why I asked people more knowledgeable than me…I’ve accepted the fact that at 47 I’m too old to be taxing my body that much, which is why I’m going the route of relatively low doses of mild compounds for some additional body comp enhancement
  3. L

    Next cycle help

    Thanks much! Here’s the progress (aug 2020-present). I’ll never be big—I don’t have the frame or genetics. With the exception of a couple different stages of my life, I’ve always vacillated between fat & skinny-fat. So this is easily the best condition I’ve been in since I graduated college...
  4. L

    Next cycle help

    Thank you so much…can’t tell you how much I appreciate your input. This forum is an invaluable resource.
  5. L

    Next cycle help

    Thank you, gentlemen…I truly appreciate the input. One last question, and apologies for not asking before—I don’t want to waste your time, but I just came across some info that Masteron has been clinically shown to suppress prolactin. I prefer Primo bc if it’s properties & low sides, but this...
  6. L

    Next cycle help

    Sorry, forgot to ask whether you feel strongly either about either stopping cold turkey for a few weeks after the cycle and before my TRT labs or whether just going back on TRT & 2IU of hgh is sufficient for labs to normalize. I don’t want the doc seeing elevated serum levels of T/GH/IGF-1, etc...
  7. L

    Next cycle help

    Thanks so much, Dylan—I really appreciate the quick feedback…that’s the way I’ll go for sure. Only mod might be, maybe I’ll wind up going 300 each on T & NPP, but that’s a a minor detail. Thnx again
  8. L

    Next cycle help

    Dylan: I truly appreciate this incredible resource & trust the collective experience of all the members. Considering next cycle to start January ‘24 & would appreciate input. Background: 47 yr old M 5’10” 168lbs ~12% BF Struggled w/ weight since adolescence. Was my fattest (220lbs/~35% BF)...
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