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  1. L

    First Sarms Cycle Log

    Lol ya no need to fight anyone but my brother really, he just had surgery so hes immobile and needs everything done for him right now so hes really the only one id hit
  2. L

    First Sarms Cycle Log

    Day 11 update... Lifts are great and my endurance is still ramping up as im uping my cardio and intensity of my lifts. Few side effects im noticing that I think are a result of the Sarms or maybe just my personality... Ive notice my mood swings are increased and I got a increased aggression and...
  3. L

    First Sarms Cycle Log

    50 mg a day 25 morning 25 4-6 hours later
  4. L

    First Sarms Cycle Log

    I haven't noticed really anything with the vision side effects from the s4.... if anything headlights are a little brighter at night when driving but nothing I can say for sure that its a major side effect.
  5. L

    First Sarms Cycle Log

    Ya dont plan on drinking again till spring break lol, apparently going on vacation then so its try hard mode
  6. L

    First Sarms Cycle Log

    Ya im for sure done drinking I just wanted to go out on new years to see my friends I didn't have a single sip of booze for 2 months before new years. I just didn't want my diet to prevent me from seeing friends from home and having a good night cause I was super strict about it. But i am...
  7. L

    First Sarms Cycle Log

    Alright day 10 update So 10 days in new years day I went out and drank which obviously isnt ideal for my diet but I wasnt going to let my diet control my social life so I stay sane. But following that friday, saturday, sunday I've been super sick and had 0 appetite for my normal diet food so I...
  8. L

    First Sarms Cycle Log

    So today is day 5 and Im defiantly feeling results from the SARMS Hit a new PR on my deadlift and it wasn't even a struggle, overall muscle endurance is through the roof added at least 2-3 different exercises to each lift. Weight that I was struggling with around set 3-4 has now become...
  9. L

    First Sarms Cycle Log

    Hey guys I got a decent update here on day 3 seeing there wasnt much to update on day 2 So to start off its day 3 of running my cycle (LGD-10 mg once in am S4- 50 mg a day 25 mg in am 25 mg in pm GW- 20 mg 30 minutes before workout MK- 25mg once in am) The taste of the SARMS them self isnt a...
  10. L

    First Sarms Cycle Log

    To clarify on that statement, I meant in the previous years ive partied a lot and a huge reason for doing this is because I got off track with my fitness goals. I haven't partied in over 2 months nor have I had a sip of alcohol. My whole reason for doing this is to stop partying and get in shape
  11. L

    First Sarms Cycle Log

    Hey guys just started my sarms cycle this morning thought id do a log to both track my progress personally and let others who are interested follow along. So heres what im running: LGD-10 mg once in am S4- 50 mg a day 25 mg in am 25 mg in pm GW- 20 mg 30 minutes before workout MK- 25mg once in...
  12. L

    Mix and Match buy 4 get 3 free problems Pure essence

    Ya its right on the payment page right under all the details of what your paying for , I just put how many of each bottle I wanted and everything went through today they confirmed the shipment with the proper order notes I had , more news soon !
  13. L

    Mix and Match buy 4 get 3 free problems Pure essence

    Ya went with the cycle rick said and put everything in the order notes, said order was in and is being filled just waiting for them to send out confirmation email that its sent but its only been a little over a day. Most likely gonna do a log to keep you guys updated with my progress! Super...
  14. L

    Mix and Match buy 4 get 3 free problems Pure essence

    Thanks Rick appreciate the response. Im defiantly gonna just go for it and do the cycle you suggested will for sure get the best results from that. Regarding the buying of it im just confused where to select the amount of each bottle when im on that page you linked? Probably just being stupid...
  15. L

    Mix and Match buy 4 get 3 free problems Pure essence

    Hey first post here and new to sarms but have done my research. Looking to buy from pure essence, trying to get the Mix and match buy 4 get 3 free and just cant figure out how it works. Do you select that to cart pay and at the end it will ask what amount of what you want? Im pretty set on...
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