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  1. R

    RCS research

    Running a 3303 cycle and decided to run 25mg mk3866. Put in an order with RCS and man had the stuff in two days. Have ran 2866 many times and RCS is legit. Highly recommend source 👍
  2. R

    3303 + test

    Thanks for the advice. Gonna run 3303 20mg with trt 125. Then jump on something else after a break.
  3. R

    3303 + test

    Thanks, I’m ok on vitals and blood. I ran N2 guard on the primo cycle. Blood work during and after all good even Estrogen using the lower 350 test. Total clean bill of health from doc. Ran sarms with PCT a bunch, just not with a test base. Thanks again
  4. R

    3303 + test

    Guess my question is will upping the Test to say like 300 350 or more enhance or limit the lgd?
  5. R

    3303 + test

    Oh, ended in January
  6. R

    3303 + test

    Hello Ran a great cycle of 500 Primo, 350 Test, with an Anavar kicker at the end. Im back for mild one. Im going to run a 12 week cycle of Umbrella 3303 20mg daily. My trt is 125 a week. Do yall see a problem upping the test to like 350 for the sarm cycle? Thank you in advance
  7. R


    Thank you guys. ordered
  8. R


    So is Pharmaqo Anavar legit stuff.
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