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  1. R

    TRT - 6 weeks bloods

    Test cyp pinned more frequently due to low shbg. HCG for fertility and general feeling of wellness.
  2. R

    TRT - 6 weeks bloods

    Morning all, Just had bloods for the first time on TRT (Dr prescribed) Current protocol: Test cyp 25mg Every other day HCG: 200iu EOD 6 weeks in this puts me at Testosterone: 30.9 nmol/L (range 8.64 - 29) - high Free test: 1.08 nmol/L (range 0.2 - 0.62) - high Oestradiol: 184 pmol/L (range...
  3. R

    TRT and free test level

    Lads That Is the exact answer I wanted. Everyone talks about how they're in the 900-1000s and feel like superman. But thank you, exactly what I thought. Definetly happy to stay as I am. Appreciate it
  4. R

    TRT and free test level

    Hello all, So i'm on TRT (25mg EOD and HCG 200iu EOD, this puts my levels around 600, but my free test is very top end. Would increasing my dose be beneficial to get in the 900's, or would this mean my free test would be way over the limit and i'm actually optimal now? I get acne really bad if...
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