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  1. J

    Rad 140, caradine?

    Dylan do I run this with the pct for the remaining 3 weeks of the pct cycle
  2. J

    Rad 140, caradine?

    Thank you guys appreciate it, Dylan for the rad and gw it’s taking in the a.m would I take both of them back to back? Was thinking about doing just rad and gw for the first cycle
  3. J

    Rad 140, caradine?

    Would I use both rad 140 and gw at 20 mg ed 1-12w every am
  4. J

    Rad 140, caradine?

    Just looking for a cycle of Dylan or someone can chime in
  5. J

    Rad 140, caradine?

    Been going to the gym 6 days aweek for 3 months was going about 5 years ago for 2 years so just got back into it
  6. J

    Rad 140, caradine?

    I’m new to sarms been doing a little research on them I’m 5,10” weigh 200lbs about 20% body fat was thinking of doing a cycle of rad 140 and caradine looking to slim down I’m on a cut right now will be back to bulking once I’m done with cut.. looking for advise on sarms mg per day how long etc
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