Been a while since I've posted but ended 12 week cycle today. Also got blood work results.
BW: 195
BF% 16%
Had a great run. But think 30mg was too high felt suppression around week 6 and just trugged along. Didn't get the results I expected or from last cycle. Starting Enclomiphene PCT with...
Added them on ab days...sometimes before bed
Always been big on pull-ups and weighted pull-ups plus back workouts. Just need my legs to grow. I'm strong AF but don't have size. Can deadlift 505, squat 425... I've tried everything high rep, low rep, high volume, low volume....but they just won't...
Added more meals and take lunch and snacks with me to work now. After PWO shake eat a small breakfast. Then some protein oatmeal/overnight oats/yogurt as mid morning meal...take a sandwich and snacks for lunch...then eat usual big dinner of protein and carbs like meat and potatoes, chicken and...
Trying to get more calories in not where I need to be but definitely more than before I eat PWO shake, breakfast, and lunch when before I used to just fast and drink water and energy drinks all day and eat a big dinner
Also rad140 and gw helping with as a fedex bulk delivery driver...I work out in the am before work from 6-730am then go to is my cardio in the fucken hot ass truck and lifting heavy packages all day...have way more endurance and the heavy shit is now lighter