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  1. tomanhtai

    New to Sarms

    Rad-140 10mg/day GW-501516 20mg/day My muscles are like rocks. Always feel the pump. Thanks to Dylan, isarm and everyone here.
  2. tomanhtai

    New to Sarms

    Thank you, Dylan Which type should I buy liquid or powder or gel to go through the customs easily? As you know Viet Nam isn't a nice country for ordering somethings from USA.
  3. tomanhtai

    New to Sarms

    Hi guys. I'm new to this. I have searched a lot of websites that selling these products and i found Is it legit and deliver high quality sarms or not. i'm looking for Rad-140 and GW-501516 for cutting cycle. After that cycle how to keep gains and natural PCT needed...
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