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    A few problems on cycle

    Never had low or crashed Estrogen...but I do remember I took 1mg Arimidex at 3 days when I was on 500mg Test E in my first cycle and didnt crash it yeh it's ok. The high Estrogen sides I do know ! I had it ... bubble boy , edema , blood pressure increase and a bit of ED. So yeh - no way...
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    Trenbolone GI - issues

    I am taking good ACV no worryes. Also I'm in Europe - no Walmart here :P
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    A few problems on cycle

    Yes. No symptoms of high E... so thats a false reading for sure. I do know how I was on 250 estrogen ...I was micheling man with 15/10 blood pressure....and now at 470 no sides ? it's defenetly a false reading. Will keep my Arimidex at 0.5mg EOD or Each 3 days...for 500mg test E I think it's ok...
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    A few problems on cycle

    Might be so ... because even on 500mg test you can't get that high E2 especially that I took 0.5 arimidex every 3 days. I just saw that E2 are very high as a false reading on EICLA type bloodwork... The more you know... And it kinda is that way since with that high E2 I should have at least few...
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    A few problems on cycle

    I am on a Tren Hex , Masteron Enanthate and Test enanthate cycle... Today I did my blood work at 5 weeks in and it might seem like Masteron could be fake... My estrogen came in at 4 times the maximum lab dose... wich is impossible unless Mast is fake. Taking 500 testosterone , 300 hex and 600...
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    Trenbolone GI - issues

    I take 1 cap of Apple Cider vinegar before every meal. Dunno in ml how much that is...and glutamine I take about 20-25g per day - spread out...
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    Trenbolone GI - issues

    Dose is 300 Hex , I am on a cut ... some say it appears more often on cuts rather than bulks ..but thats bro science again. For now I got it in check. Did some Nexium but I am managing it right now with Apple Cider Vinegar and Glutamine. And it works - no more issues.
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    Trenbolone GI - issues

    This is a side effect not many people talk about on youtube at least - everyone talks about the sweating and the other stuff...same videos overplaying the same sides - most of wich are not the harshest anyway. The thing is Tren can have some nasty sides when it comes to gastro-intestinal...
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    HGH Fragment

    Will stick with 3x times a day 250 mcg each shot. So 750mcg a day. And I will time it right. I will wake up - take the first shot , prepare meals , do cardio and only after that I will like 2 hours after the shot I will have the first meal - and it will be low in carbs. 2nd shot will be...
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    HGH Fragment

    Well then I will stick with the way you sayd. I'll just up the dose a bit. So far the advice I took from you went great ! Thanks !
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    HGH Fragment

    Also I forgot to mention I am already on a steroid / sarm cycle with Tren Hex , Test enanthate . masteron enanthate , proviron , winstrol - all taken as you advised me on another thread. Also have Cardarine and Ostarine yeh it's not just the Fragment alone
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    HGH Fragment

    Hey Dylan thanks again for the fast and detailed response ! I am doing my training in the evening and doing fasted cardio in the morning. I will do my shot 1st thing in the morning then do my stuff preparing meals and stuff , my cardio and only after that I will that's like 2h from the...
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    HGH Fragment

    I have 10 vials of 5mg of HGH Fragment - the source is good and it's the real deal. I want to introduce it into my cutting cycle to burn some extra fat. I know how to time it around meals and yes it's difficult but I want to do it. What I do not understand is that I found 2 ways of taking...
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    Modafinil and Steroids

    I am at a point where I sometimes need it but I do not want to inhibit gains. I did not find any research about it other than bro science and rumors. That's why I am asking ! I am either bad and searching or really there is no info about I am asking people with experience - Guess it's...
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    Modafinil and Steroids

    The title says it - can you take Modafinil while on steroids ? I heard different rumors - like it affects the benefits of steroids wich I feel it's bullshit. The only side I can find about it is that in some cases Modafinil can raise a bit the blood pressure and also since it's a treatment...
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    Cutting cycle Info required

    Got it ! Best cycle layed out with every details ! I'm gonna follow it like this ;) Thanks a lot man for your time !
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    Cutting cycle Info required

    I am planning my later after pause cutting cycle Thing is I can only use what I already have...and those are long esters. I don't mind it - I am not preparing for a show...but there it is How can I combine in 12 weeks or 14 weeks cycle if that is required the following substances and in wich...
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    Low Glucose on MK 677

    I am on 2 months of Mk677 already - Glucose levels will fluctuate - first they were higher - 10-20 days in the cycle I had it at 100+ after that it went lower to 60-70 and now for more than a month on a daily basis take it's 85-90 always. And my Mk677 is legit and I am also taking CJC 1295 DAC -...
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    Steroid Cycle - Adding SARMS to it

    Yeh I know - Was saying about Dbol and Anadrol because it would be a high risk choice but even then - they will work together not one anihilating the other...that's why I don't understand why people say SARMS will bind to the receptors and the rest wont do shit ? how ? whats the explanation ...
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    Steroid Cycle - Adding SARMS to it

    Hello ! I am back with an update - I am close to 22kg gained on the cycle - I am on week 8 of the cycle. Deca and Testosterone got in the peak I think and starting to work better - I added Yk11 to the whole stack and I will add some ANAVAR at the end for some hardening. So far so good - Using...
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