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  1. S

    Basic starter cycle questions

    That’s not the problem tho, they only sell mk in bulk, and I don’t have that much to spend on it as of right now.
  2. S

    Basic starter cycle questions

    Ok thanks for clarifying, Where do you recommend I can get mk-677 shipped in Canada? The only option on sarms4sale is $800 and I don’t have that much to spend on it right now.
  3. S

    Basic starter cycle questions

    So you recommend I use MK677 during the entire cycle and after as well?
  4. S

    Basic starter cycle questions

    Thanks bro appreciate it, what would you recommend I take for a “mini pct”?
  5. S

    Basic starter cycle questions

    Thinking about starting a cycle of: Rad140 20mg for 12 weeks, after that hop on mk677 as just a stimulus to retain the gains for 12 weeks, after that hop back on rad and rinse and repeat. I’m still clueless about most of this stuff, obviously gonna do a lot more research before/even if I do...
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