you're right bruv thanks, that will take me to january! thats ages!! lol
Definitely going Pure Essence next time, any idea how long it takes to get to the UK?
Haha cheers GTFORMULA, ive read your log bruv along with everything on this site i think, Great log!
Im thinking just go with it and see what happens.
Im thinking go with 10mg ed, see what happens then upping it after a week to 20mg ed, stacked with gw.
you guys are awesome! i'll tell ya i brought some sarms after watching youtube and before discovering this forum and feel what i received was not proper sarms, maybe prohormones? but i feel i got shut down! everything stopped down there lol and i paniced. so i came straight off and ran a cycle...
Hello AR community, What a great forum you guys run!!
RAD, has anyone had post cycle bloodwork done yet? i'm itching to start mine but thought to wait until some bloods are done.
I was also wandering if RAD increases test would that counter the suppressive affects of MK2866 or LDG 4033 all be it...