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    At a Loss, Low Libido/ED Help Please

    Hey guys, hope everyone is doing well. I'm officially at a loss and it feels like I'm the only person in the world whos suffering like this, i dont know what i did in my past life to deserve this. I've had a 3 year stint with AAS and i never recovered from my last cycle, however my numbers...
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    Pharma Grade T3?

    Hey what’s up everyone?! My usual go to at is out of Liothyronine Sodium. Does anybody know of another source for pharma grade t3? Thanks in advance!
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    Still Trying to Recover: Thyroid, Dopamine or Other?

    I tried TRT for 10 weeks but it wasn’t what I needed so I’m coming off and doing a pct to restart my test production. After pct I’ll wait till everything flushes out of my system and get bloodwork from there.
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    Still Trying to Recover: Thyroid, Dopamine or Other?

    Free T has been tested above range and SHBG has tested low, 8 from a scale of 10-50. I did try trt for 10 weeks but besides a little mini libido and energy boost in the beginning, i plateaued and didn't get much from it since. I'm currently doing intermittent hcg shots until I start Clomid...
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    Still Trying to Recover: Thyroid, Dopamine or Other?

    How about this: My levels have looked great: High test Estrogen in range Etc I’ve tried a restart with Hcg, Nolva and Clomid, proviron, arimidex solo and aromasin solo etc. nothing has returned my libido, well being, energy, etc. I even tried trt for 2 months. It did supply me with a...
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    Still Trying to Recover: Thyroid, Dopamine or Other?

    Hi Guys, brace yourself for a long read! Many of you have known and tried your best to help me on these forums for a couple of years now. I would ask questions in a very panic, desperate state being worried sick about having a limp penis, low libido etc. Today i post my question with a more...
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    Thoughts on Caber? Safe to use?

    Hey I feel you man! Thanks for the response. I plan to do .25 twice a week myself. I just want to keep it light and maybe use it for 3-4 weeks at most. Those stories of anhedonia spooked me a bit but i havent had a great libido in years so i wanted to try it. definitely plan to use it...
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    Thoughts on Caber? Safe to use?

    Hi Everybody, After a long battle trying to recover my body after past steroid use and having nothing work, i decided to cut my losses and go on TRT. Since I'd be on Test for the rest of my life, i decided to do a quick 12 week blast before going into my original 100mg/wk Test Cyp dosage...
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    To Use HCG or Not?

    thank you Dylan. You're the man as always!
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    To Use HCG or Not?

    Firstly I’d like to start by posting my most current labs as of 10/30/2017: Prolactin: 6.5 (2-18 ng/mL) E2: 55 (< OR = 39 pg/mL) HIGH Test: 783 (250-827 ng/dL) FSH: 2.5 (1.6-8 mIU/mL) LH: 5.0 (1.5-9.3 mIU/mL) TESTOSTERONE, FREE: 86.9 (46.0-224.0 pg/mL) SHBG: 50 (10-50 nmol/L) As you would...
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    Need Help Recovering, advice please!

    Unfortunately my urologist prescribed me anastrozle. However i could always purchase aromasin from hipo. In the meantime since it’s pharma grade, would anastrozle work just as well as aromasin? I have liquid stane that did lower my estrogen, however i did rebound from 27 to 55. I also have...
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    Need Help Recovering, advice please!

    Would you have any advice about lowering SHBG and estrogen?
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    Need Help Recovering, advice please!

    UPDATE Most recent labs as of 10/30/2017: Prolactin: 6.5 (2-18 ng/mL) E2: 55 (< OR = 39 pg/mL) HIGH Test: 783 (250-827 ng/dL) FSH: 2.5 (1.6-8 mIU/mL) LH: 5.0 (1.5-9.3 mIU/mL) TESTOSTERONE, FREE: 86.9 (46.0-224.0 pg/mL) SHBG: 50 (10-50 nmol/L) The Urologist was of no help other than...
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    Need Help Recovering, advice please!

    Sure I'll look into SHBG and DHT during next weeks appointment. Should my LH and FSH be higher though? I see they're on the lower end of the spectrum so I wonder if that means they're underproducing or something to that affect?
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    Need Help Recovering, advice please!

    Hey guys I went to see the urologist on the 5th and got blood taken, these are the results. Here are the recent labs: Prolactin: 3.3 (2-18 ng/mL) E2: 27 (< OR = 39 pg/mL) Test: 873 (250-1100 ng/dL) FSH: 3.2 (1.6-8 mIU/mL) LH: 3.1 (1.5-9.3 mIU/mL) Granted the I knew the liquid Toremifene was...
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    2nd PCT Advice?

    Thanks Dylan, much appreciated advice! And what is the new product you're releasing? And I want to hold off on HCG as well, it's certainly not my first option as I'm done with injections personally. But should I choose to use hcg for a few weeks, what is the recommended dosage you would...
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    2nd PCT Advice?

    What's up guys I'm currently waiting for bloodwork on E2 and Prolactin as well as general T levels and such. I'm waiting ever so patiently but in the event my urologist isn't helpful and or won't prescribe me anything, I wanted to get some advice on a second PCT option. My current levels...
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    Has anybody used hipocampus as of recent?

    Hey Guys I'm about to run a second pct as I haven't recovered fully and I want to move on from research chemicals. I stumbled across and it claims to be selling legit pharma grade products. I'm interested in buying proviron, clomid and nolva. Has anybody bought from them...
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    Need Help Recovering, advice please!

    It does suck, but of course I'll wait it out until my appointment and report back with bloods. I would like to ask if having my test in normal range as well as knowing my LH and FSH are producing something means these symptoms can ultimately be reversed?
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    Need Help Recovering, advice please!

    Yeah I'm on it. I see my urologist on the 12th and it feels like an eternity from today. However I'm going to be patient and wait it out since I've already been waiting for all these months. Definitely will report back with a full panel once I get the bloodwork back.
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