It seems impossible for me to get to 160 naturally..
Do you know a lot of people who gained 9lb without steroids?
Please how can I get to the normal weight without scewing my health
Hi bro's
Yes indeed 114 LG. I am underweight.. So skinny.. I have tried shakers. Whey. Test boosts (tribilus) but I only gained 2kg (4.4lb) I attached some photos to my first email.
My goal is only to get the normal. Weight and then try to keep the gains with a proper diet and exercise...
Hello Dylan.
Tank toi very much for your videos I appreciate your efforts helping people get to their goals and sensibilizing them.
I need your advice:
Age 31 years old
176 cm
52 kg
What about running dbol for 4 weeks 10 or 15 mg per day?