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  1. K

    Looking for advice on first SARM cycle.

    Awesome thanks for the info ya'll! So I'm going to do a 12 week cycle of Ostarine just to see how my body reacts before moving on to the heavier stuff in future cycles. Am I still good to take all my Animal products (stak,m-stak, pak) with it? Also will I need an estrogen blocker? I'd like to...
  2. K

    Looking for advice on first SARM cycle.

    I'm just looking to add size really, I would love to finally be in the 200's and look bulky instead of just looking lean at 180. So really just looking for a SARM to use to push me over this plateau I've been stuck on and then maintain that size.
  3. K

    Looking for advice on first SARM cycle.

    Damn really? Where would you recommend I purchase SARMS? Everything I've read said that Chemyo was reputable
  4. K

    Looking for advice on first SARM cycle.

    Awesome thanks for the fast replies and information y'all! Yeah I always get mixed advice from people on the subject, I just want before I start to educate myself on how to do them properly and safely. So 12 week cycle, take a test booster during cycle and after the 12 weeks a PCT.
  5. K

    Looking for advice on first SARM cycle.

    So before I start my 1st ever SARM cycle after doing a bit of research on the topic (Ostarine 25 mg) and I'm seeking guidance/ have few questions so I can do it properly and safely. Currently all I take is your basics (omegas, BCAA's creatine, pre) along with a natural test booster, utilizes...
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