Thanks guys. I am 100% going to take your advice. It's not worth it to me.
At the end of the day it's my fault for not researching prior. Just wish I would've found this forum first!
Man that sucks... Not sure this makes a difference, but it was not a GNC or anything like that - it was a privately owned place. They seemed pretty focused on SARMs/PH... IS Lawless Labs known to be a PH? Either way, I'm glad you mentioned it. I've read a lot of threads that appear ppl thought...
Hey everyone, first time post. Want to start off by saying thanks for all of the info on here.
Lots of great stuff, seems like Dylan and Rick are full of tons of information.
I?m 34, ran collegiate cross country and track. After my last season (22 yo) I decided I wanted to make lifting my new...