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  1. E

    Little to no motivation, 0 sex drive during PCT need some help!

    i had arimidex on hand but wasn't getting many sides (external sides atleast). However i did get extremely anxious on cycle and thought it was probably due to high estrogen so i began to take it towards the end. I still have arimidex on hand. Yeah man well aware it was a reckless cycle but just...
  2. E

    Little to no motivation, 0 sex drive during PCT need some help!

    yeah bro I know I am too young to be cycling and i am kicking myself silly for being so damn stupid and impatient! But i do appreciate the brutal honesty However all I can do at this point is look forward and do my best to make positive changes from this point onwards. Would you recommend...
  3. E

    Little to no motivation, 0 sex drive during PCT need some help!

    Hi there guys, I'm currently in third week of PCT. I ran Test e 11 weeks at 350mg, I waited 10 days and then began to run Nolvadex 40/20/10/10. I'm currently in my third week of PCT and I've lost most motivation for life, I've stopped enjoying my hobbies and my sex drive is practically non...
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