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  1. D

    Gw for bulking!?!

    Hey guys, So I was thinking, could I feasible use gw to bulk with, now bear with me I know that already sounds like an awful idea but if I use it with mk677 and ostra wouldn't the extra pump at the gym I get from the GW help me gain some quality lean muscle?
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    Ostarine suppression

    Yea it is, that's good to hear thanks bro
  3. D

    Ostarine suppression

    Hey guys, so i was just doing a bit of research on ostarine because i just received my supply and wanted to do one final bit of browsing before popping one, and then i came upon a forum on anabolic minds that was to do with a members blood work after a osta cycle, the results looked like his...
  4. D


    Yeah honestly bro YK11 Seemed a little suspect, Thanks for the stack advice
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    Thanks for the answer, what advice would you give for a good bulking stack with little suppression also just head of YK11 what do you think of that and how much suppression does it cause in comparison to lgd
  6. D


    Hola amigos I've got a couple of questions for you guys, So I was doing research on a website and it claimed that stack of rad and lgd seemed to have less suppression than other stacks such as Andarine + ostarine so I was wondering if the info was legit and if any of you would be willing to...
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