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    Product seized by FDA

    What if there is no seizure letter and it was lost by USPS?
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    Prolactin protocol

    Would a serm like tamoxifen help at all with prolactin symptoms?
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    What AAS are you running right now??

    Test e Tren ace to jump start Tren e Proviron
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    Tren ace to tren eth

    Anyone have any recommendations?
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    Tren ace to tren eth

    No current (goal) so to speak. Just to better myself, i was actually concerned with running the ace to the eth. Didn't want to end up rinning tren at 600 a week or 2 and blow away my ancillaries. Any recommendations on how to incorporate the 75mg ace with the 150 eth and basically bridge them...
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    Tren ace to tren eth

    42, 5 11, 200lbs, lifting for 20+ years, maybe 6 previous cycles, bf is a guestimate at 12-14. Current cycle is 300 test e ew Tren e 150 twice a week Proviron at 50mg ed 12.5 aromasin eod Cabaser at .5 twice a week This is a blast as im on trt so no pct.
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    Tren ace to tren eth

    Ive got a leftover vial of tren ace and wanna incorporate it in my current cycle. Sound good to start on the ace at 75mg eod AND start the tren eth at 150mg 2 times a week? Guess the ace would be like a kick start until the longer ester kicks in. Is my thought process sound?
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    trenbolone for 17 year old

    Nope, didn't even read your post. Get some years under your belt and do not start out on a harsh compound like tren.
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    Why am I Lactating brown liquid

    Cabaser is .5 mg e3d
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    Clean pizza recipe

    I actually love the cauliflower crust the wife makes for her low carb thing. Doctor it up with enough stuff and its awesome. She uses garlic and onion powder and mixes parmigiano with it too before baking the crusts, big difference.
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    advice on finishing current cycle

    No offense to big business, didn't see until after that you are a senior member also, just looking for more input.
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    advice on finishing current cycle

    Was just concerned about the plateau after 10 weeks, seems that adding compounds addresses that. Deca should run for 12-16 for best results from what I've read. Would love for some senior members to chime in and advise.
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    advice on finishing current cycle

    Im on trt so no pct required. This is a first run of deca and had hoped it would help with appetite but hasn't really had any affect. Just know that I couldn't eat for shit on tren.
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    advice on finishing current cycle

    Started 1st week of February, 250 test e and 300 deca (since been adjusted to equal or higher test). 50mg proviron ed, 12.5 aromasin eod, .5mg cabaser e3d. How long should I runthe deca before transitioning into tren ace? Should I continue the deca with the tren or drop it? Any advice would be...
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    donated blood, what happens to it?

    Do they test it for the compounds we run while on cycle? If so is it considered tainted and unusable? Just seems odd that if my test is at 5000 and I donate that it could end up in say a 90yr old grandma. Just curious if anyone knew.
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    Will bump up test a bit next pin. Also I have all my shit in order, 50mg of proviron a day, 12.5 aromasin eod and caber every 3. Thanks for the input
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    Not to steal OP's thread but I've seen ofyen that deca should be equal to or less than test, could I get away with 250 test and 300 deca? Thats how they are dosed individually and I'm just mixing in the bbl to keep it at one injection a week. Today will be 4 weeks in and i feel fine but have...
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    Pharma Lady Great Service

    Placed an order late last week that landed today. I was blown away with the speed. Couldn't wait, hadto warm it up and dive right in. Thank you
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    Anyone still fckin with this guy?

    Was a kai on evo a while back, shit got sketchy and he bounced from what i remember. He dealt with ai's and support think
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