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  1. N

    3rd Cycle advice

    Smarter and Safer is always the better way to go, I will definitely switch my AI to aromasin, So with that Switch everything else looks on point? both cycle and PCT? Thanks so much for all the help guys
  2. N

    3rd Cycle advice

    So For this cycle should I run arimidex 0.5mg every 3rd day or 0.25 EOD? I never ran an AI on just test though i probably should have, and understand that I definitely need to run one if I am stacking test and Deca even at low doses, I just want to make sure i get everything right before i put...
  3. N

    3rd Cycle advice

    Was writing this a little late i meant to take the Caber 2x per week at 0.5 like you said, Ill look into switching in the aromasin, In my past 2 cycles, I never used an AI probably should have as i got bad acne on my back and shoulers towards the end of my cycle, This time i figured I would run...
  4. N

    3rd Cycle advice

    Hey Everyone, This is my first post here, and I am looking for some input on what will be my 3rd cycle So if you look at my bio the 2 cycles i have done have been test cyp only 500mg for 12-14 weeks and am looking to try something new Proposed Cycle: 12 weeks 1-12: 3-400mg test cyp per week...
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