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  1. M

    Should I continue a with new cycle?

    Yeah, I am in Pennsylvania :) Thanks for the info
  2. M

    Should I continue a with new cycle?

    JP, I just ordered the GW this morning. Emailed them to see if they could combine my orders to save on shipping and if they can expedite. Thanks again for your help.
  3. M

    Should I continue a with new cycle?

    Hey Rick, I did order your stack recommendation. Just ordered the GW. Already have my clomid. Do you know if SARMSX can expedite orders? I emailed them to find out.
  4. M

    Should I continue a with new cycle?

    Thanks Dylan. I went with Rick's recommendation. 1-12 S4 50mg per day split 25mg am and 25mg 4-6 hours later 1-12 RAD140 20mg per day dosed in the am 1-12 LGD 10mg per day dosed in the am I still need to order the GW and already have the clomid for PCT. Hope it is just as mean of a stack...
  5. M

    Should I continue a with new cycle?

    Rick/JP, THANKS! This is the shit I need to know and I appreciate your knowledge and expertise. Looks like I will be going with this stack and cycle. I will go through SARMX for sure. Thanks again guys!
  6. M

    Should I continue a with new cycle?

    Thanks JP. I was thinking about doing a cycle of LGD and MK-677 for bulking. Is this a good stack for that and how long of a cycle should it be? When should I do the PCT? Thanks again, I can tell you are genuinely trying to help others on here. Much appreciated
  7. M

    Should I continue a with new cycle?

    My mistake. So what exactly is this forum for? I was under the impression that is was to exchange information and to learn and inform. If I had all the answers, I wouldn't be on the forum. I was just trying to get honest informative answers to my questions as I am new to SARMS. My feels aren't...
  8. M

    Should I continue a with new cycle?

    Thanks for that informative response. That really cleared things up for me. You're awesome (slow clap)
  9. M

    Should I continue a with new cycle? - they got good reviews on other forums so I think the were legit. A bit cheaper in price too.
  10. M

    Should I continue a with new cycle?

    Being that I took a 4wk cycle of LGD, (now will be a week before I get a new batch), once I get the new sarms (1 week break for delivery)would a 8 week cycle of LGD and MK-677 be a good stack for gains knowing that I will need to do a PCT after 8 weeks from the LGD and stay on the MK for a year...
  11. M

    Should I continue a with new cycle?

    Thanks! Listen guys, I am new to this! I don't just want to start taking shit arbitrarily. I read that some got good gains with just the LGD alone which sounded less intrusive to me. Now that I have seen little to no side effects on a 30 day run of LGD I am prepared to try a full cycle of a full...
  12. M

    Should I continue a with new cycle?

    Hey guys, I just finished a solo 30 day cycle of just LGD-4033. I didnt see any real great gains (a couple pound maybe) but I did see some definition and strength. I am looking for bulk cycle and thought the LGD was the best for that. My question is, can I get another 30 day cycle without a...
  13. M

    New to SARMS - Should I take other sups?

    It's confusing because you said run it for entire year without coming off and JOMEQ said he believes you only need to run it during PCT. So which is it? I assumed you were reading the entire thread not just my responses.
  14. M

    New to SARMS - Should I take other sups?

    One more thing gents. Maybe this is for Dylan. He said "keep in mind that mk677 needs to be ran for a year continuously without cycling off" Is this for a year only during the PCT phase? This is confusing me a bit. Thanks again.
  15. M

    New to SARMS - Should I take other sups?

    Thanks for the clarification JOMEQ! Makes sense now! Excited to get started. Thanks again Everyone! Y'alls experience and expertise is of great value for those of us just starting out. GREAT FORUM! CHEERS!
  16. M

    New to SARMS - Should I take other sups?

    Thanks bro. I'm just anxious and ready to jump back in after a year off. Looking for those quick gains of course. Started today and I'm weak as shit....smh. Burned out quick. In time I know. Thanks for the input and advice man. I think I Wil just scrub them and go right to the SARMS.
  17. M

    New to SARMS - Should I take other sups?

    Dylan. Sorry for my ignorance here but I wanted to be clear. So You are saying: Weeks 1-12 - rad140/sr9009/lgd4033 Weeks 9-12 - tongkat ali (I'm unclear what this is) Weeks 13-16 - Post main Stack do mini pct When should these be taken? clomid 50/25/25/25*<--what is it and what does this...
  18. M

    New to SARMS - Should I take other sups?

    Hey Rick. Thanks for the response. The M1A was the basic stack with DEMONIZE when that shit was hot. I am not an expert which is why I am here. Everyone's opinion is important me. Again, I'm just trying to burn though what I have until I pull the trigger on the SARMS. I will have my Quantum T...
  19. M

    New to SARMS - Should I take other sups?

    The stack of pro hormones I have is the DEMONIZE and M1A. The M1A is a test to my understanding. Like I said, in have about a 2 week supply left over and got good results last time I used them so I figured I would use what I had and then switch to the SARMS and get off the pro hormones...
  20. M

    New to SARMS - Should I take other sups?

    Thanks for the response Dylan. I figure I would use the test boosters for more of an estrogen blocker. Plus I understand that the half cycle of prohormone decreases testosteone. Should I go with a different stack of SARMS as a newb or is this stack the way to go? Should I take a break post half...
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