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  1. G

    How to ostarine cycle

    Hey guys, i just noticed that after the first dose in the morning i'm like 2-4 hs that i really feel well with myself, like more energic and feeling my body ready to workout. Thing is that i cannot workout still the afternoon, so what do you think about maybe taking the dose 1-2 hours before...
  2. G

    How to ostarine cycle

    Ok bro, thx. I'll post again once i finish my cycle to see results
  3. G

    How to ostarine cycle

    Hey guys, today i'm starting my ostarine cycle, i want to know how much is the dose required. I mean, from sarmsx it says that we have 50mg every 1ml, so i have to take 0,5 ml for a 25mg dose? is it right? , the stuff is measured by 0,25, 0,5, 0,75, and 1 ml
  4. G

    How to ostarine cycle

    Perfect, thank you so much guys, i'm ordering my GW right now. But i would like to know how important it is, I just heard of it and if you say it's for cortisol control i understand that is for preventing the muscle loss after the cycle, am i right? Then means that the mk make your cortisol...
  5. G

    How to ostarine cycle

    Hi, thank you for your answer. What is tongkat ali? I already have the ostarine (mk2866) from sarmsx, so i trust that is the pure one and gonna try it at 25mg then. I also bought liquiNol too. Could i just make this cycle (25/ed during 12weeks) with just tamoxifen? or i must have both clomid...
  6. G

    How to ostarine cycle

    Hi, i actually would like to know how is the optimal time and dose for the ostarine because i'm just loosing my patience searching on the internet, always founding confusing information, so as i saw this seems a very legit forum I would like to get some help from here. I am actually 21 years...
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