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  1. E

    Rad 140 5 MG?

    I am a guy - 5?7. Thin build obviously. Skinny up until I was 30 and then went for a skinny fat build. I?ve been doing weights for 6 months and just a slow gainer. Does your weight not impact the amount of sarms you should take?
  2. E

    Rad 140 5 MG?

    I'd like to add RAD 140 and was thinking of trying a small dose of 5 MG I am 40 and 125 pound / 17% BF I am looking to cut and add some lean muscle. I am currently on MK 677 25 MG ED. I started on it by itself to see if I hit any sides, and also to see if it would help repair my AC joint...
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