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  1. J

    Girlfriend and Cycling

    No thats a way to calm my ass down. I'm not punching walls 24/7 lol. Just like any other man, when he gets angry. Instead of yelling and being mad i punch that mothefu*ing wall and go on with my live like nothing happend.
  2. J

    Girlfriend and Cycling

    Good our apartment has some spots with soft walls i can punch my fist in. Helps to keep me calm. Why cant she just support me? I'll do it anway. Maybe i should just choke her out sometimes to show her who the boss is. Girls like that. Iam too much of a nice guy.
  3. J

    1st day on sarms/taste/results

    I sometimes barely notice something on 4 weeks of oral steroids like anavar or winny. Even steroids take time to see results. The body has to produce all the muscle fibers, that doesnt happen in few days.
  4. J

    Secretagogues and SARMS to INCREASE appetite

    Mk-677 definitly increases hunger.
  5. J

    Girlfriend and Cycling

    My girlfriend is really understanding when it comes to steroids, sorry i fell asleep there and was dreaming. NOT. She hates steroids, she hates me when i use them and she gets more agressive while i use steroids. I am not using testosterone cream, so the agression can not come from rubbing Test...
  6. J

    deca durabolin for women

    As far as i know women could use Deca. But be careful, once you get side effects they are mostly permanent for women.You dont want to ruin your life with only 28 years of age and two children. If you dose too high they will start to call you daddy.
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